Soniccouture – PAN DRUMS v1.1.0 (KONTAKT)

Completed hang drum collection. Pan Drums is a newly invented musical instrument by the Swiss company PANart, with a melancholy mesmerizing sound. A rare and popular instrument made by hand among musicians.

But since the drum must be hand-made by experienced craftsmen in order to make it sound good, with short-term deliveries, and they remain relatively rare and extremely popular musicians; “Where can I buy a Hang drum?” this is a common complaint on online forums.

Soniccouture Pan Drums offers your DAW a complete set of sounds and many creative instruments to help you learn the sound of these mysterious instruments.
On the main panel, you can choose your Pan Drum from five instruments | Shape the sound using the ADSR envelope or add creative filtering with a wide range of different types of filters.

• 24 bit stereo sampling
• 5 different pan drum sample sets: Hang Mk1, Mk2, Halo in B, Halo in C, tuned Rock Creek pair
• Articulations: fingertips, thumbs, slap, mallets, edge, corner, knuckles
• 10 velocity layers with 5 round robin alternate samples per note
• 7.5GB core library (3.5 GB download)
• KSP Jammer: custom generative arpeggiator
• Hand noise generator for extra realsim
• Mapping modes: chromatic, percision, two hands, wide zones, octaves
• Trasnpose drums to any key

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