Sonic Charge – Plug-ins 12/24/2023 VST, VSTi, VST3, VSTi3 x64 [12/24/2023]

A set of plugins and tools from Sonic Charge.

  • Bitspeek v1.7.0
  • Echobode v1.2.0
  • Microtonic v3.3.4
  • Permut8 v1.2.3
  • Synplant v1.2.6
  • Synplant v2.0.1

Sonic Charge Bitspeek

Bitspeek is a real-time linear pitch prediction codec. Right now you’re probably thinking, “Oh, another one of these”? Or maybe not. Chances are you’ve never heard of “linear forecasting” even though most of us use it every day when we talk on our cell phones. Linear prediction coding is a voice compression technology that appeared in commercial products in the seventies and was implemented in some famous talking toys in the early eighties.

Sonic Charge Echobode

Echobode is a delay effect with a frequency shift placed inside a feedback loop. The frequency shift algorithm is inspired by the classical Bode frequency shift (named after its inventor, Harald Bode). The difference between a frequency and pitch converter is that it linearly shifts the audio spectrum. For example, a series of overtones at 100, 200, 300 Hz may be shifted 50 Hz to 150, 250, 350 Hz, making the overtones inharmonious. This effect on its own is great for creating metallic bell tones, but incorporating it into a delayed feedback loop opens up many other possibilities.

Sonic Charge Permut8

Permut8 is an effects plugin that uses the sounds of primitive hardware to process signals. It is based on a 12-bit digital delay with a variable sampling rate from 0 to 352 kHz. The delay is controlled by a programmable processor, which allows the delay time to be changed and modulated using various “operators”. The input and output stages offer virtual analog components for saturation, clipping, and filtering. The Permut8’s sound is raw and complex, but at the same time loud and warm.

Sonic Charge Synplant

Synplant is a software synthesizer with a genetic approach to sound creation. Instead of creating patches the usual way by turning dials and knobs, Synplant allows you to explore the world of organic sounds by planting seeds that grow into synth patches.

Sonic Charge Synplant 2

Synplant takes a genetic approach to sound design, moving beyond traditional knob-twisting and dial-tuning, with an emphasis on exploration and discovery. Here your ears will guide you through a forest of organic textures and changing timbres.

Sonic Charge Microtonic

Microtonic is a VST plug-in featuring a unique drum and percussion synthesizer combined with a pattern-based drum machine engine.
You can use Microtonic as a sound module to play drum sounds from your MIDI keyboard or sequencer, or you can use the built-in pattern engine to play drum patterns in sync with your sequencer. Microtonic sound is 100% synthetic and played in real time. No samples or pre-rendered waveforms are used.

1 Comment

  1. barney rubble

    December 26, 2023 at 6:48 am

    Happy holidays and TY for everything you do!!!

    Goran Grooves Handy Drums Producer Collection

    – Pretty please!!!

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