A set of plugins from United Plugins & Soundevice.
• Soundevice.Digital.Autoformer.v2.1
• Soundevice.Digital.DIFIX.v2.3
• Soundevice.Digital.Front.DAW.v2.2
• Soundevice.Digital.RoyalCompressor.v2.1
• Soundevice.Digital.SubBassDoctor808.v2 .1
• Soundevice.Digital.Urban.Puncher.v1.0
• Soundevice.Digital.Verbum.Entropic.Hall.v2.2
• Soundevice.Digital.Voxessor.v1.3
Soundevice Digital Royal Compressor – Fantastic Emulation and Inspiration – A classic British Beatles device that has been used on hundreds of records since the sixties, the Royal Compressor delivers true vintage analog sound and feel. Nice saturation and sensitive compression is what every track really needs.
Soundevice Digital Front DAW – The digital world with its clarity and precision lacks some of the atmosphere of the old days. That’s why English producer and remixer Greg Brimson, also powered by the United Plugins engine, came to us with his idea for a dream plugin. “Create an entrance door for each recording and name it Front DAW guys,” he said, “so that every track has a real analog input.” With it, you can turn your DAW Mixer into a true analog console.
Soundevice Digital Autoformer – Some entries are nearly perfect. Almost. The desired perfection can be achieved with Autoformer. An instrument that can act almost invisibly and can also add great flavor to your tracks. Autoformer combines analogue, such as a preamp, with an automatic volume function and a soft compressor. This is the right tool for your vocals or voice-overs. Improves the performance of drummers or bassists.
The Autoformer is the perfect mixing companion for both bass and double bass. It is indispensable for creating vocal or off-screen tracks, but it can also be used to balance drum recordings.
Soundevice Digital Verbum – The modern digital world seeks to line everything up. It makes things predictable and … well, boring. The beauty of life in chaos and the randomness of the unexpected. And the Verbum Entropic Hall reflects what makes it one of the most realistic reverbs around.
Unique Sound
The core of Verbum’s vintage style is based on a long-term study of SounDevice’s vintage equipment collection with the desire to combine the best of the analog and digital worlds.
Give your tracks space
This versatile reverb can be very clean and vintage, but it always gives the user a hardware feel. Vocals, acoustic instruments, or drums. All of these (and many more – depending on your creativity) can benefit from Verbum’s warm advanced algorithm.
Soundevice Digital SubBass Doctor 808 – Processing the lowest frequencies is not an easy task. And in some listening environments, this is nearly impossible. If you mix while traveling, or your room or your system isn’t 110% perfect, you should see a doctor. Namely SubBass Doctor 808. You might want to mix while traveling, you can produce in your home studio. Your monitors do not reproduce the lowest frequencies, or your room may not be 100% acoustically processed. In all of these cases, you should use Doctor.
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