A good-sounding reverb is probably one of the most important factors in achieving a full and atmospheric mix, and with that in mind, the SoundSpot® team has created a reverb that can meet the demands of the most modern production. After many months of development, we are proud to announce the Oracle Algoverb.
Oracle is a versatile reverb for all your creative needs and can be used on any sound source with great effect. From adding a sense of depth to piano tunes to huge synthetic soundscapes, Oracle embraces all of this.
• Intuitive, easy-to-navigate user interface.
• Designed to work seamlessly with touch controllers such as Raven by Slate Media.
• Stereo image controls for precise placement in the stereo field.
• An analog compressor with visual feedback.
• Band-pass filter for generating sound and removing unwanted frequencies.
• LFO effect to create motion along the amplitude of the signal.
• Flanger effect to make your reverbs interesting.
• Saturation effect to add heat or distortion to the signal.
• Preset manager to save and share your own reverb designs
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