Shake is a comprehensive collection of 95 shakers, tambourines, tambourines, rattles and bells from around the world. This deep and stylistically vast sample library is dedicated to the dynamic live percussion performances of British instrumentalist and media composer David Oliver.
Shake has everything you need for your next composition, including tiny soft plastic and raw leather egg shakers, filled ping pong ball rattles, raw leather, plastic and wooden maracas, small to medium sized instruments made from natural materials such as reeds, seed pods, gourds, grapevines, rattan, coconuts, nut shells, bamboo, wood and metal.
There are also many unique instruments created or improvised by David, such as a bamboo rain stick shaker, a mung bean shaker, a cocktail stick shaker and a multi-effect shaker with stand (a flat wooden box with ball bearings) and several Caxixi combinations. With our intuitive multi-layered modular user interface, you will have complete freedom to mix, layer, influence and customize each sound to your liking.
David has recorded a ton of grooves, fills, flourishes, rolls and individual samples of hits performed live. Shake features African, Latin, Indian and other ethnic instruments with powerful, authentic and energetic recordings that have been carefully handcrafted for easy use in films, games and any genre of music that requires a shaker.
David has carefully selected this selection of recordable instruments from among the most sonically and dynamically useful shakers in his vast collection. He has recorded them all multiple times, cutting up extended performances into the best two-bar seamless loops in 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6-8 and 7-8 time signatures, at intervals of 20 bpm, 80 to 140 bpm and entire sets of 4-4 maracas patterns at tempos from 160 to 280 bpm.
The built-in loop browser lets you filter your search by instrument style and keywords, tempo and time signature, and you can even bookmark your favorite loops for quick recall. Once you’ve loaded your loops into the slot grid, you can set up each loop as a separate transition slice with playback direction, slice order, ADSR, and a custom automation step sequence for volume, pitch, pan, filter cutoff, and resonance parameters that you can freely draw with your mouse.
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