Splitch is much more than just a pitch shifter. It can flicker and reflect, freeze and distort, delay and scatter. Working in the spectral region, Splitch is a pitch shifted up / down by one octave that captures the incoming audio signal and directs it of its choice – through a wave former, delay line, spectrum freeze and random function.
Some of the features of Splitch include minor, pitch-shifted delays; spectrally frozen drone distortion; octave stratification and chaotic randomized repetition pitch change. Splitch is perfect for adding embellishments on top of existing audio and easily takes you to sound worlds you’ve never thought of!
• Continuous shift of the spectral pitch of sound from -1 to +1 octave.
• Musical waveform distortion.
• Unique routing and modulation attenuation capabilities.
• Integrates into any host compatible with VST / Audio Units
• Includes a collection of factory presets
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