Merging – Pyramix v14.0.2 x64

Pyramix is ​​a digital audio workflow a station used by professional studios and engineers around the world for music production, mastering, television and film editing.

Pyramix, combined with network audio interfaces, offers the only complete digital music production solution on the market with an audio format that sounds like analog to humans.

We enable music producers not to compromise on their music throughout the production chain and provide them with all the tools they need for widespread distribution, including the latest “next generation audio” streaming formats such as Dolby Atmos®.

Merging Technologies has partnered with companies like Flux Audio to bring amazing plug-ins to Pyramix, available at any resolution and with near-zero latency.

Did you think it was impossible to have low latency on a computer?

Analog sound is not only about sonic character, but also about immediacy. Electricity travels at 300 million meters per second, and that’s what a musician needs to be given for a great performance.

Merging Technologies has developed the MassCore engine that allows your DAW to run in real time. MassCore can be added to any Pyramix or Ovation system and provides significant extra power, IOPS and ultra-low latency.

Pyramix not only provides the most transparent analog DAW, but also provides advanced editing tools such as a unique source/destination mode that allows you to edit huge multi-track recordings at the speed of light, as if it were a simple mono track.

The Pyramix comes in many flavors to suit different budgets, but always make sure you can give the best sonic chance your music deserves with DSD/DXD. Pyramix has so much more for you… go and check out our full tour software packages!

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