We have been designing synthesizers and effects since 2001. Our plugins are not only fun to use, but also have more than enough depth to satisfy the most discerning musicians, composers and producers. Our products are a labor of love and it shows. We ourselves create the software that we would like to use.
• u-he ACE 1.4.2 (revision 12092)
• u-he Bazille 1.1.2 (revision 12092)
• u-he Color Copy 1.0.1 (revision 12092)
• u-he Diva 1.4.5 (revision 12092)
• u-he Hive 2 2.1.1 (revision 12092)
• u-he MFM2 2.5 (revision 13385)
• u-he Presswerk 1.1.5 (revision 12092)
• u-he Repro 1.1.2 (revision 12092)
• u-he Satin 1.3.2 (revision 12092)
• u-he Twangstrom 1.0.1 (revision 12092)
• u-he Uhbik 1.3.1 (revision 3898)
• u-he Zebra2 Legacy 2.9.3 (revision 12092)
Activation files
uhe_sindex.exe – A calculator program that calculates the serial index
uhe_ezgen.exe – A program to generate the correct username (with an optional suffix) for the specified serial index
SERIALS.txt – serial numbers and serial indexes for each plugin
R2R.txt – original instructions from R2R (eng.)
What products are available with this activation method?
All U-He products except FilterScape, which still has the old activation option.
ACE, Bazille, Diva, Hive2, Repro, Zebra2(HZ)
ColourCopy, MFM2, PressWerk, Satin, Twangstrom, Uhbik
U-He is already aware that at the current moment they cannot resist the serial index collision attack. Apparently, in their new Zebra 3 synthesizer, which is being prepared for release, the shop will already be closed by introducing a new security system. Urs Heckman wrote on the kvraudio forum that future U-He plugins will introduce a new security system based on modern RSA encryption.
How does the current license check work in U-He products?
At the moment, 2048 pre-generated serial numbers are crammed into every U-He product. To activate the plugin, you need to enter a username and serial number, which the plugin checks for a match.
The username is converted into a number from 0 to 2047 using a special algorithm. Using this number, the plugin checks which of the 2048 serials should be and checks if the user entered it correctly. The R2R team calls this number the SERIAL INDEX. (Serial Index)
When 2 users who bought the plugin convert their names to the same serial index, U-He will give exactly the same serial number to such users.
Why is this activation method better than others?
This method allows you to use the original installers from U-He without any changes to the program. You can activate plugins on all supported platforms (Win, Mac, Linux) and for all formats, including AAX (ProTools). An activated plugin will not be able to distinguish between a generated license and a real one, even if it contacts the U-He servers.
According to R2R, it is not possible to calculate all serial numbers, but it is possible to generate an infinite number of usernames that will match already leaked serial numbers.
Can this activation fail? Are time bomb effects possible (sudden noises, voices, etc.)?
The serial number cannot be blacklisted. Since the current protection system assigns one serial number to a large number of accounts that legally bought the product, blacklisting any serial number will also affect legal users.
However, in theory U-He can check the username and blacklist it. Names like “Team” “Air” “Assign” “R2R” have been banned from U-He servers for a long time. They can blacklist your selected username using this activation method, and then in future versions of the plugins, the effects of undertreated activation (sudden noise, etc.) may occur. In this case, you need to re-generate another username according to the instructions in the section below .
Again, if you’ve generated credentials just for yourself and aren’t handing them out right and left, then the chances of them being blacklisted are VERY SMALL. Golden rule of a carefree life: The username should be similar to the real name.
Creating personal license data for the use of U-He products
The SERIALS.txt file specifies the pairs (serial index + serial number) for all U-He products.
Let’s take the Repro synthesizer as an example. It has the following pair:
Serial Index: 367
Serial Number: 6L8EX-B2729-32ASO-LRDK-PDEU
To use licensed Repro, you need to create a username that matches this serial.
On the U-He site, the username is the FIRST NAME and SURNAME written in Latin letters. You can enter your first and last name, or come up with whatever you like. Let’s say we chose the name Vasya and the surname Pukin.
There are two ways to select a suitable username – fast and more reliable (manual).
This method allows you to automatically generate a username by adding random characters at the end.
This method will work fine with all U-He products, however, since the username is not very similar to the real one, there is a small chance that sometime in the future U-He will be able to ban him and have to pick it up again.
Run the name selection program (uhe_ezgen.exe). On macOS, the program can be run under a Windows virtual machine or in Wine.
In the First Name and Last Name fields, enter our desired first and last name (for example, Vasya Pukin).
In the Serial Index field, enter the serial index from the SERIALS.txt file (for example, 367 for Repro).
Click on the “Generate Full Name” button.
The selected correct name will appear in the Final Name field. For the Repro license, the program chose the name Vasya Pukinquurs. (You can click on the “Generate Full Name” button several times, the program will issue different suffixes)
Done, we got this pair:
Name: Vasya Pukinquurs
Serial: 6L8EX-B2729-32ASO-LRDK-PDEU
Now install Repro, open the plugin in DAW, the plugin will ask you to enter registration data. We enter our generated pair Name + Serial and enjoy the full license that will never fly off.
PS The current protection of U-He is such that if you actually register on their website with that name / surname and buy Repro there, then you will get exactly the same serial number.
This method will require manual enumeration of the username, however, with it, you can choose a first and last name that will be very similar to the real ones, so the likelihood that U-He will ever block them tends to zero.
Launch the serial index calculator (file uhe_sindex.exe). On macOS, the program can be run under a Windows virtual machine or in Wine.
In the First Name and Last Name fields, enter our desired first and last name (for example, Vasya Pukin).
Click on the “Calc Index” button.
In the Serial Index field, we get the value 1318. This is not what we need (for Repro, we need 367).
Now we begin to slightly change the letters in the first and last names until we get the desired number.
After a certain number of attempts, I found a fairly good variant of Vasya Puduj (which has Serial Index = 367).
The algorithm has a peculiarity: when the last letter of the last name is changed, the index will change depending on where in the English alphabet this letter is located.
Let’s say you need index 367, and you have chosen the option with index 360. Then you can change the last letter of the last name to the one that is in the alphabet after 7 characters (for example, A -> H), and you will get the desired index 367.
Done, we received the following pair:
Name: Vasya Puduj
Serial: 6L8EX-B2729-32ASO-LRDK-PDEU
Now install Repro, open the plugin in DAW, the plugin will ask you to enter registration data. We enter our generated pair Name + Serial and enjoy the full license that will never fly off.
PS The current protection of U-He is such that if you actually register on their website with that name / surname and buy Repro there, then you will get exactly the same serial number.
What the hell is this file?
It looks like malware.
Scripts that download ‘flash player’.. lolololol
virus download don’t run it