Adam Szabo – Viper v.1.0.91, VSTi, x86 x64

Viper aims to convey the sonic characteristics of legendary hardware synthesizers in a virtual format. It comes with many features such as: multiple oscillator types, sync, frequency modulation, ring modulation, up to 8 voices unison, filter saturation, filter routing, modulation matrix, high quality effects, powerful arpeggiator and more!

A lot of time and research has gone into making the Viper capable of reproducing a wide variety of sounds, from lush pads to the huge bass and powerful solos commonly found in analog synthesizers. This was achieved through careful coding, experimentation, analysis of hardware synthesizers, and the use of the ear to fine tune its parameters.

The sound engine is written in optimized code to use as little CPU consumption as possible while maintaining a high quality sound engine, finding a good balance between the two. The Viper also has an anti-aliasing algorithm for its controls to remove the harshness associated with digital synthesizers.

Copy folder to VST plugins directory.
For registration, we use data from the VIPER KEY file.


  1. SirPee

    December 21, 2021 at 7:43 pm

    Register Button not working on x64 plugin

    1. me

      December 22, 2021 at 9:46 pm

      reaper refused it

  2. popj

    December 23, 2021 at 12:47 am

    after entering name and serial, reopen vst while off internet….disable ethernet adapter or wifi….it works

  3. fredflinstone

    December 23, 2021 at 4:54 am

    thanks but meh.. sounds like his other plugin and a million others.. ie serum blows this away.

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