VI Labs Audio – Ravenscroft 275 (UVI Falcon)

At VI Labs we are sure that some tools can truly inspire and take your creativity to the next level. Ravenscroft 275 is one such rare tool. This one-of-a-kind concert grand piano has been recreated using nearly 17,000 samples and 4 separate microphones, all controlled via an easy-to-use interface.

Our goal was to reproduce all aspects of the 275’s detailed voice using the latest sampling technology and let this amazing piano speak with clarity. The result: a virtual piano unparalleled.

To work with the bank you need a Falcon sampler
Installation: move the R2RUVI file from the R2R folder to C: \ ProgramData \ UVI \ R2R


  1. Daniel

    June 17, 2022 at 3:32 am

    I have the ufs file, buh I can’t use it. When I try to open it in the uvi workstation, it says ‘no license found’, so how to I get a way out since I never purchased the product, because I have no activation.

    1. jev

      September 9, 2022 at 8:21 pm

      did you get a sollution ?’

  2. JZ

    March 16, 2023 at 5:46 pm

    It worked.

    1. You may download & use UVI Falcon to open the Ravenscroft:

    2. then Just follow this instruction:
    Installation: move the R2RUVI file from the R2R folder to C: \ ProgramData \ UVI \ R2R

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