After eight years of creation, the Dutch-Turkish DJ and producer Ummet Ozcan announced his own Genesis Pro synthesizer.
Genesis Pro can perform subtraction, phase distortion, FM, and ROM synthesis. It has three generators that can generate sounds independently or simultaneously. You can smoothly switch between them in real time using a special slider. A filter can be applied to each generator. Eight filter types and five saturation modes are available to choose from. Genesis Pro also has a 32-step sequencer, arpeggiator and the ability to load external custom MIDI sequences. It allows you to split these sequences between the top and bottom keys of the keyboard and even split the keyboard so that you can play one instrument with one hand and the other with the other.
There is a huge variety of modulation options. You can modulate any pen on the interface, and each pen is animated in real time to show you what is happening. The feeling “connect everything with everything” is associated with it, which is even more evident in the function of the modulation matrix and in the fact that five ASDR envelopes can be connected to more than 100 destinations.
Genesis Pro also has a mastering section (with a filter, limiter, more saturation and stereo extension) and an impressive set of fourteen built-in effects, including a whopping twelve types of distortion, an eight-stage phaser, a delay, ‘hyperspace reverb and a vowel filter (accompanied by amusing graphics on the center screen) ) To top it all, for ease of use, you can assign commands from CTRL + 1 to CTRL + 8, and there is a “Picasso mode” with a wide range of aesthetic settings, although it already looks very smooth.

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