EZbass is a great-sounding virtual bass instrument with fundamental features that make it easy to add bass to your tracks. The instrument promises the same level of convenience and flexibility, as well as sound quality and realism, found throughout the EZline line. The Virtual Bassist combines MIDI work with advanced bass writing skills in various styles of music.
The sample libraries support a variety of articulations, including legato, vibrato, slides, hammers and pools, harmonics, and more. EZbass has an integrated effects section, consisting of emulations of bass amps and cabinets, as well as stompboxes and rack effects.
There is also an extensive library of grooves. All MIDI parts are recorded with the highest attention to the nuances of performance. The grooves are divided by style, while the library engine adapts the grooves to the tone of the project.
Installation is possible on a “clean” system, or over a previously installed version.
Download factory library for EZbass here
Release notes for EZbass 1.1.5
Added support for keyboard basses.
A splash screen is shown at startup of the standalone (to earlier show that something is happening). In a DAW, the same image is shown in the plug-in window the first time it is opened in a session (only for as long as the normal interface is being prepared to be shown, so this does not add any time but the window appears sooner).
Song Track
“Add Groove” has been renamed to “Add Standard Groove.”
Grooves Tab
Active modifiers no longer have their own row. All modifiers and filters now share the same “active filter” row and the clear button clears everything.
On Windows, there is now a setting to invert the horizontal scroll direction when shift+wheel is used.
“Restore MIDI Database” will now preserve user-added MIDI libraries and favorites (in libraries that are still available).
Changing libraries made incorrect latency get reported to the host (until a preset with a different latency was selected).
Quitting certain hosts when the VST 3 plug-in had been used could cause a crash.
On Windows, the VST 3 plug-in can now correctly be scaled by hosts in HiDPI mode and dragging (for example to the song track) should now work without any offsets.
On Windows, “Reset to Default Size and Scale” in the View menu did not always work as intended.
On Windows, if the host window was minimized and unminimized, the external windows (detached tabs) could in some cases pop up again, be blank and refuse to be closed.
In REAPER on Windows, it should now be possible to drag MIDI from DAW tracks (by holding ctrl+alt) directly to the plug-in.
On Windows, loading an auto-save would incorrectly treat it as a normal project and it would be added to the Open Recent menu.
Sound Engine
Legato trills did not work as expected if the legato key was pressed after the first Note On.
Non-legato slides as long as from E4 to A0 did not play back correctly from the song track.
If a project was saved while the legato control key (32) was pressed, the project would open with trilling automatically enabled.
Song Track
Improved error messages for failures to export as audio.
Dragging a muted song block from EZkeys to the EZbass song track would cause a crash.
When importing or recording MIDI to EZbass, trills including more than two notes would not translate correctly.
A song part type is now checked in the menu only if all selected blocks have the same type. Previously, no song part type was ever checked in the Edit menu, and the context menu only looked at the clicked block.
Stopping when count-in is active no longer rewinds the track.
Bass Tab
Turning an effect knob did not mark the current preset as modified.
Grooves Tab
The browser playhead was not always in the MIDI column (when visible), for example when the Matching column was shown for Tap2Find results.
Grid Editor
Hover effects in the grid editor were not updated during mouse wheel zooming.
Audio Tracker
The tempo detection has been improved.
AIFF files without file extension were not possible to load.
Switching between Time Ruler Seconds and Time Ruler Bars did not update the resolution button, and it now says just “Auto” if automatic is active when Time Ruler Seconds is chosen.
Trying to load broken/empty/unsupported audio files should no longer cause crashes.
In Studio One, it was not always possible to drag audio (of supported formats) from DAW tracks to the plug-in. (PreSonus Audioloop/Musicloop is still not supported.)
On Windows, the “Adjust Scale” dialog (shown when the main win
dow was dragged to a display with a different scale) had several graphical issues that have been fixed.
September 20, 2022 at 9:57 amWill there be a mac update as well?
September 26, 2022 at 3:50 amThe Eighties Ebx please