A symphony of unique textures. Experience the shimmering cascades of nine harps, the resonant warmth of an orchestra of marimbas, and the subtle intricacies of 18 mandolins, charangos, and ukuleles. Spitfire Swarms creates choirs of rare instruments at Air Studios Lyndhurst Hall to embody ghostly tremolos, epic glissandos, complex rhythmic patterns, and soaring melodic lines.
Previously available as separate libraries, the ethereal textures of Harp Swarm, the percussive choir of Marimba Swarm, and the chaotic intertwining beauty of Mandolin Swarm are now available as a single, consolidated library.
The concept of Spitfire Swarms is inspired by the pointillism of neo-impressionist painting, which uses individual tiny dots that blend together in the viewer’s eye to create a full spectrum of hues.
Developed by Georges Seurat in 1886, this technique is also reflected here: individual short notes merge in the listener’s ears to create the impression of long, continuous tones and reveal the magnificent textures of cinematic sound design.