Sonoris Mastering Compressor (SMCP) is a broadband compressor in VST, AU and RTAS formats for Windows and Mac. It is an ultra clean compressor suitable for delicate material. There is no harmonic distortion that can be found in most compressors. To reduce residual artifacts, SMCP has a sound recalculation of up to 8 times. Transparency can be enhanced by choosing auto-release and reverse detection along with two soft knees.
If more aggressive behavior is needed, you can, for example, choose direct detection of a connection with a stiffer knee.
In addition to working on a full mix, SMCP can also work in the mode divided into individual L, R, M or S channels, with a variable reference. The side chain for each channel has a high-pass, mid-range and low-pass filter. This gives you great flexibility and allows you to do creative sound enhancements.