Safari Pedals – Fox Echo Chorus – Classic tape echo with a vintage vibe 1. 1.5 VST3 x64

Introducing the Fox Echo Chorus – a tribute to the famous Echo Chorus Classic. Get ready to return to the golden era of echoes and vibrations! Fox Echo Chorus is a love letter to the iconic vintage hardware echo chorus machine – think of it as a retro hug for your sound waves. No rocket science, just pure audio entertainment.

This Fox has some super cool features that aren’t found in the analog realm, like mixing and auto gain. Don’t waste money to overcome the time barrier: buy the Fox Echo Chorus for just $32. Pop it into your rig and let the good old days of audio wash over you. It’s like nostalgia, but without the bell-bottoms.

  • Mix knob
  • Noise recorded from original vintage unit.
  • 3 different tape head sounds
  • Automatic gain
  • Input drive

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