78 Inspiring Multi-Patch (i.e. several samples on the keyboard) of Violin Multis (including BONUS TRIO for cello, viola and violin!) And 168 patches, including more than 100 created by PlugInGuru GuruNation for musicians creating patches, make this library MUST HAVE for everyone who has Omnisfera 2.5. From Vibrato to Pizzicato to Motion Slow, Fast and Very Fast, from composites that layered cello, viola and violin mixed to create new samples, including even 2 additional special synthesizing sounds “Created by Nature”, which are not yet part created released library.
I have never had so many people who write demo tracks for the library – it’s so great to hear that all people take with the instruments, and I’m very upset about how realistic these sounds are, given the limitation of not more than 8 samples for sound. Given that most sample libraries these days have more than 20,000 samples, I would say that we got mileage from the 8 samples that we selected!
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