OrganArt Media – 1731 Gottfried Silbermann Organ (HAUPTWERK)

organ emulator . One of the representatives of the type of “village” organ, the type created by the classic of Central German Baroque organ building Gottfried Silbermann. The master was able to create a full-sounding instrument from only twenty registers!

This organ, built in 1729-31, is located in the Evangelical Lutheran church of the village of Reinhardtsgrimma near Dresden. His virtual model comes with fully recorded tremolated samples. A more detailed description of the organ (in English) is called from the program menu: Organ – Show organ information…

To download an organ in full quality, you will need 6.5 GB of RAM


Copy the OrganDefinitions and OrganInstallationPackages folders to the Hauptwerk\HauptwerkSampleSetsAndComponents folder,
or select this folder for downloading the distribution (as the destination folder!) to avoid copying

Downloading in full quality: And more. 1. If the sound of the organ seems too harsh to someone’s ear, then you can try changing the values ​​in the settings: Organ settings – Organ preferences: Audio engine – Air flow randomization – set 150-200% Wind supply model – Wind model modulation – set 150-200% 2.

In the original version of the sample set, the tremulant acts on the entire organ, which may not always be desirable.
Added an additional version – Trem3, in which the tremulant is divided into keyboards.
At the same time, only a common tremulant with a noise effect, without functionality, is included from the default graphical interface of the console.
Three working tremulants for keyboards dependent on it are turned on by buttons in the left and right lower corners of the console (picture in the distribution).
They can also be assigned to midi switches, midi notes and computer keyboards.

1 Comment

  1. Cristiano

    October 31, 2022 at 7:24 pm

    Any chance to have the Hauptwerk VSTi?
    The bare libraries are quite useless without the instrument… 😘

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