The Boss Led Diode Distortion plugin is the perfect re-creation of the iconic British effects pedal of the late 80s, the first amp-in-box pedal that reproduces the tone and distortion of the famous British black and gold guitar amps.
This little pedal, which was used by Gary Moore in Still Got The Blues, Kevin Shields, Josh Klinghoffer and many others, recreates the sound of a classic British stack with a simple semiconductor circuit that Nembrini Audio emulates in all its nuances.
Nembrini Audio perfectly recreates the circuit of two LED distortion and three-tone controller in the style of the amplifier of the original device and adds the versatility that only the digital world allows.
In addition, Nembrini Audio creates the The Boss Rack plugin, designed for producers and sound engineers, with the same distortion and tone scheme, as well as an ultra-bass gain band, wet / dry mixing function, phase inversion, mid / side mode and the famous Analog function Link, which provides the typical unpredictability of the analog world by adding micro-variations between the left and right channels.
The Boss Rack Led Diode Distortion plugin is the perfect complement for any modern musician and producer who is looking for a truly analogue color for their work!

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