Kush Audio – UBK-1 v1.5.3 VST, VST3, AAX x64

Shapes movement and rhythm of sound using unique compression curves, multiple parallel signal paths and much more …

UBK-1 embodies the philosophy that compression is it is not just a form of dynamics control, it is the ideal tool for creating and shaping movement and groove sound.

With five completely unique compression curves and no attack, attenuation or ratio, the UBK-1 has a characteristic “soft” and dark sound that is very welcome in the digital audio world.

Multiple parallel signal paths, adjustable headroom and intensity, side chain filtering … this deceptively simple plugin has an endless number of tricks up its sleeve. Of course, for creative people!

1 Comment

  1. WHAMMO!

    January 28, 2023 at 1:57 am

    Thanks for the virus bro

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