K Brown – KB K Brown 144 Synth & 10 EQs Plugs Bundle 2016 2020 VSTi, VSTi3 x86 x64

Check out K Brown’s mega collection of synthesizers, modulators and equalizers.

200 C – (Approximately most of Suzanne Ciani’s Buchla 200 system, now in the Auditors Foundation.) Latest
update – 5/18

200 E – introduces which Buchla 200 style modules need to be assembled to have all the features of a musical easel.

200 K – Same as 200 C, but replaces the complex shape oscillator with a third dual oscillator and the triple-output stepped low-frequency oscillator with a second.
Dual Ring Mod and 4-channel comb filter for dual CV combiner. The latest update – 5/18

200 M – is inspired by the small Dodecamodule-based Buchla 200 once owned by David Morley.


• Dodecamodule.
• Two 258-style double oscillators.
• Four stage LFO.
• 10-channel comb filter.
• Dual voltage processor.
• Keyboard control and joystick with 4 outputs based on 221 kinesthetic input ports.
Last updated: May 18

200 Max – the maximum number of Buchla 200 module approximations that fit on most displays without scrolling, with an emphasis on
feature diversity:

• Two 258-style dual oscillators
. • One modulation generator / main oscillator (FM) styled 261e.
• Quad core envelope generator.
• Quad LoPass/VCA.
• Quad stepLFO/pulse source.
• Double FFT.
• Ten-channel comb filter.
• Dual source of random voltages.
• Dual voltage processor.
• Six-channel mixer.
Last update: May 18

CS-gx – (~Yamaha CS-80). Only the basic CS-80 synth voice structure, no tape, effects, etc. Replaces the Ring Mod with a
second LFO. Aftertouch controls can be replaced with a modulation wheel. Mixing Oscillator Signals Based on
Yamaha GX-1 “Tone Board” Voice Programming. To Saw and/or Pulse you can add High-pass filter Pulse, Tri octave higher and Hi-pass filtered Saw. Last update 19.10.
A 3.5 – (~ Group A4). GUI and feature set based on Grp A4 but no sequencer, hence -‘A 3.5’. Several features from
A8 were included. Three oscillators with cross mode, ring mode and sync. Dual LFOs (one voltage controlled),
Dual -1 octave or -2 octave subwoofers, dual filters that can be used in series, parallel or in stereo, and Sample and Hold
that can be selected from multiple inputs. Added 18.01.

b6 – (~Andromeda A6). A very loose approximation of some basic synth voice structure. Filters seem to be guessing.
Many thanks to “Knob Twiddler” for naming the parameters. Last update:

10/23/16 Cassini_M – (~ between Moog Voyager and Voyager OS). Improved Mod Busses to allow up to six Shapers to be used at the same time. Added 19.05.

Chorg DS-600 – based on the Korg DS-8 but with modulator/carrier controls and three pairs instead of two.
Last update:

11/27/16 Chorg 870 DV – (~ Korg 800DV). Many thanks to “Knob Twiddler” for naming the parameters. Last update: 10/15/16

Chorg Pano/Poly – (Korg Mono/Poly). No arpeggiator, no “parophony”; standard mono/polyphonic. Adds several features that are
popular hardware mods. Adds a high pass filter in series with the low pass filter (similar to some early Korg models).
synthesizers). The synthesizer is fully stereo, with pan controls for each oscillator and noise (hence the name).
Added 19.10.

Chorg PS-20 – (~ Korg MS-20). With patch cords! Last updated: 03/04/17 Added 07/18, PS-20a, which refactors the fix.
more like ACE u-he, with most of the patch points in the sections they’re linked to, rather than
the cramped and confusing patch section at the top right of the panels.

Chorg PS 3500• (Korg PS-3300, plus some features from 3200). Ranked #49 in Amazona’s Top 50 Free Games of 2017.
Now with new specially coded low distortion oscillators from Martin Vikanek.
Chorg PS-352 – same as above, but with only one synth “channel”, although it contains two oscillators; more like PS-3200.

CopperHead – (~mashup of ARP synths). “Original” design, feature set from ARP 2500, 2600, Odyssey,
CMS 2607 and 2600 inspired Macbeth M5. CopperHead II has one free-structure multi-mode filter.
after a multi-mode filter 1047 ARP 2500. CopperHead_gx has oscillators patterned on those
on the Yamaha GX-1. Updated 18.12.

CopperHead_2602 – (“luxury” ARP 2600). Imagine a custom made clone of the 2600 with a brushed copper panel, Bakelite knobs and
solid metal toggle switches. In addition, all three oscillators have all the features of the Model 2600 VCO 2, and both ADSR envelope generators
. Updated 18.12.

CopperOdy II – (~ARP Odyssey). Pretty accurate and full functional (non-sonic) Odyssey emulation, reimagined with a
brushed copper panel, all-metal toggle switches and sliders with full-length covers. Includes a number of
generic Odyssey mods, as well as full patching capability. CopperOdy_os is the same but without mods and this version
is also available with cable switching. CopperOdy II updated September 19th.

CROMA flexPatch – (~Rhodes Chroma). Based on the single layer Chroma architecture. Available with connecting cables
in 32-bit version, but drop-down fix in 64-bit version (due to cable system incompatibility with
64-bit Flowstone Alpha0. Updated 02.08.20.

Kronos – (~ Roland Gaia). Places all three ‘synthlines’ in one edit panel. Only an approximation to the concept and structure of Gaia.
the synthesizer itself; no arps, sequencer, layers, etc. Updated March 19th.
The CS-358 is a combination of the features/functions of several Yamaha CS series synthesizers, mainly the CS-15, CS-30 and CS-80.
Last update: 11/30/16

CSOh1 – (~Yamaha CS01). with polyphony, oscillator self-tuning, Velocity and Aftertouch. Now 64-bit, with a scalable GUI.
Updated 20.07.

CyRinx II – (~ Synthon Syrinx). The Syrinx had an unusual touchpad with two tabs instead of bend and modify wheels; here assigned functions tp
Mod Wheel, Aftertouch or Velocity and Bend Wheel, Aftertouch or Velocity. Fancy double peak filter + low pass filter.
The panel can be changed to six different colors. Version II with updated oscillators that can choose between a version of the
original Tri/Saw/Pulse switchable oscillators that smoothly transition between waveforms, and Martin Wikanek’s padOsc
that generates a rich stereo output based on the ZinAddSubFX algorithm. Updated 20.06. Rex Busterfield kindly
provided a 64-bit export of this with a resizable GUI; Thank you sir!

Dark Four – (~Four Doepfer modules inspired by dark energy). v1.01 – 5/18

Dark Steps – (~Three Dark Energy Dopfers, plus 3×8/2×16 stepLFO).
Ranked #28 in Amazona’s Top 50 Free Games of 2017.

Dark Three-stick – (~Dark Energy+CAT Stick) Three modules connected to CAT Stick instead of stepLFO. Added on 19.04.
DodecaMax – (Bucha Dodecamodule + nine modules of 200 styles). Adds a maximum of 200 styles to the Dodecamodule.
Style modules that fit comfortably on most displays without scrolling:
• Two 258-style dual oscillators
. • One 261e-style modulation generator/main oscillator (FM).
• Quad core envelope generator.
• Four LPFs/VCAs.
• Triple LFO/Pulse output source.
• Dual source of random voltages.
• Dual processor voltage control.
• Six-channel mixer.
• A set of keyboard controls and a 4-way joystick based on some of the features of the 221 Kinesthetic Input Port.
Ranked #27 in Amazona’s Top 50 Free vsts of 2017. Updated 5/18 with custom code and low CPU usage.
Martin Wikanek oscillators.
DodecaMax II is also available with modules selected to minimize redundancy in Dodeca features.

DualMulti_Stick – Same as Multipoly (see below), but a “stack” of two plus an approximation to the Octave CatStick. Updated 18.12.

DX won – (~Yamaha DX7). Not all functions are reproduced – mostly envelopes are simplified to DAHDSR. Dynamic Graphics
display of algorithms; Operators are located in Algo 5/6 orientation. Updated to version 1.03 20.06. The named DX won
because the graphical interface was inspired by DX1, and because DX7 dominated the digital synthesizer market for a long time.
Like FM7, adds a second LFO. Thanks to Rex Busterfield (flowstoners.com/quilcom) for the envelopes and
for the envelopes and help with CPU usage.
ElectroComp 102 – (~ ElectroComp EML-101). Fully fixable (dropdown); some features are included from the predecessor, the EML-100.
Also available in combination with CatStick. Added on 18.07.

ElectroComp 1301 – (ElectroComp EML-101 + Manual Controller EML-301). Manual Controller adds another LFO, X/Y joystick,
additional VCO/LFO, sampler, simple A/R envelope, VCA and a set of sixteen manual voltage sources,
with push buttons that also trigger the A/R or EG of the main synth. Added on 18.07.

Elements – (~ Elements of Macbeth). The GUI introduces a version with antique Bakelite handles and a brushed copper panel. Missing
a few features, added a few features. Added on 19.01.

Endeavor – (~ unknown Helmtronic Challenger). Based on the design and controls of the Challenger (of which apparently
only a couple were made). Basic analog waves can switch to the bank of all waves from the Prophet.
VS or file containing all Ensoniq SQ-80 waves/samples. Includes extended mod bus, teo addt’nl
LFO and additional envelope. Basic Chorus, Delay and marvelous MVerb 7b by Martin Wikanek. Added on 08/02/20.

evol-Vox – (~DSI Evolver). Just a rough approximation of Evolver’s main synth voice, not the sequencer, arpeggios, effects, etc.
etc., all this can be better implemented in your DAW environment – only the osc/filters/modulation architecture.
Oscillators 3 and 4 have a different wavetable form from the hardware, and there is no wave sequence.
Updated 18.12.

eXpando – (~ Oberheim Expander). Just a big part of the basic synth voice structure. Also available in a version with other, more
flexible oscillator waveform controls (eXpando_osc2). Last update: 11/13/16
eXpando II – As above, with more flexible oscillator waveform controls. Added: 4/18

Flow Tone – (~Elektron Digitone) FM synthesizer with simplified yet flexible controls, with great help from Rex Busterfield.
who created most of the main “functional blocks”. The GUI is heavily borrowed (with permission) from “Viper” by Adam Szabo.
Added on 22.08.

“Four for Two” is an “original” design inspired by the recently lamented Dave Smith Evolver. Instead
of distortion, hacking and customizable feedback, the structure expands to each pair of oscillators feeding their own
stereo filters/amps; the result was a two-synth design, such as Yamaha’s CS-series synthesizers. There is also a second
modulation envelope. The filters are inspired by the unique filter in the rare ElectroComp 100 – Multimode which cross-
fades LP > BP > HP > BR then back to LP. Here, this crossfade is also modulated. Added on 19.04.

gM-32 – (~ Mother of Muga-32, plus Grandmother). The merging of the Moog structures of Mother-32 and Grandmother.
The section based on the Mother-32 has patch points located at the top like a grandmother; patch points
are placed above the functions to which they apply. A stereo panning control has been added to each of the two sections.
conclusion. Updated 18.12.

IMIJ – (~ Black Corp. Kijimi). Based on a hardware synthesizer which itself is based on RSF Polykobol. Added 2/20.

Juan, Oh Juan is a Yamaha CS-style two-line synthesizer with each “line” based on the Roland SH-101 structure. Only
functions and structure 101 are approximated; the sound of its oscillators and filter is not emulated.
A lot of added features and functions are “revealed” when you click on certain labels. Each synthesis line has independent
Tune, Portamento, Bend and Wheel controls, as well as the ability to pan in the stereo field. Added on 19.01.
KrossWave – (~Ensoniq SQ-80). This is actually the creation of “Spogg” (dba “Quilcom”) on the DSP Robotics forum, with a
lot of help from “tulamid”. I just created a GUI and added a few extra features. v1.02 now includes MixPad
which allows you to switch between the three osks with one mouse movement. It can also be modulated by any
of the available sources. Alternately, these can be controlled using the MIDI X/Y stick/pad. Major update 6/20; v1.1 can now
choose between original Ensoniq multi-stage envelopes or simpler AHDSR/DADSR types. Oscillators can also be
switched to those containing all the waves from Prophet VS. 20.07 – added 64-bit.

Krumar DS-3+ (~Krumar DS-2). Replaces the “Poly” section with a third multiwave oscillator; many additional features, most
important of which is the replacement of LFO mixer selector switches with continuous crossfaders and
selecting LFO waveforms in each of the target LFO mixer sections, not globally in each LFO.
Also available as DS-3_os (old school) without all the extra features.
Added September 19th.

Luge – (~StudioLogic Sledge). Last updated: 02.02.16

‘M’ – (A tribute to Waldorf Q [and partly Pulse]). Last update: 18.02.17

Mk-5600 – (~Macbeth M-5). The GUI is more like an ARP 2600 than an M-5, with simpler and less confusing VCF/VCA/
output sections and u-he style multiplexes.
maGGi – (~ one layer of Elka Synthex). With a GUI reminiscent of vintage studio equipment from the 50s and 60s. Joystick
functions can be controlled using a MIDI joystick, XY pad, or other external controllers. Added 2/20.

maGGi 70 – (~MCS 70). Take a look at what was the very rare MCS 70 designed by the creator of Elka.
Syntex – Mario Maagi. Scarce technical details are available online, so most of it is guesswork. Added 2/20.

Matrix-Six1 – (~most basic synth features of Oberheim Matrix-6, in Oberheim OB-1 livery). Oscillators enhanced with
signal crossfading. Also available with two 2-op FM tone generators instead of VCOs (Matrix-SixFM).
Last updated: April 18 (Matrix-Six1 v1.01).

minDy – NO, it doesn’t look like a minimog – how could it be; it’s made from standard Flowstone internals (actually the oscillators
are custom encoded with low CPU usage; they just don’t try to copy the minimoog). Includes most of the additional features
and functions of the Roland SE-02 (but not the sequencer). 128 presets by Manfred Plumer. Oscillators by Martin
Wikanek. vicanek.de/ Added on 20.04.

minDy S – Same as above but with the standard mini-architecture and optimizations from Spogg on the Flowstone forum, also using
some custom oscillators based on Martin Vikanek’s oscillators and a filter written from scratch. Read the attached PDF to see
what work has been done – amazing; much closer to vintage analog sound. Even includes some very good presets.
Plus extensive additional cans of Manfred Plumer. Two GUI sizes; sep version for FL Studio without external audio input.
Updated March 20th.
minimodular – (~small Moog modular with modules reflecting minimoog features). Last update:

02/21/17 mOdyCat – (~Octave CAT), plus “factory mods” and features/panel layout from ARP Odyssey.

Multipoly – (~ Moog Multimoog). v 1.01 Aftertouch controls can switch to speed or mod wheel control.
Last update: 18.12.

Nebula -K• (~Novation SuperNova). Only the main synth voice – no effects, vocoder, etc. Last update: 02.02.17

odyKAT – (Octave CAT + ARP Odyssey). All the features and functions of both, including the “Factory Mods” that were
available as kits from Octave. Added 20.04.

OB-2 – (~ Oberheim OB-1, with double oscillators/filters/amps like Two Voice). Last update: May 18

Obi-12 – (~’Oberheim’/Viscount OB-12). Voice structure emulation only; no layers, splits, arps, etc. Last update: 01/27/17

Obi 2B – (~ Oberheim Two Voices). v1.01 – 5/18

OdyPatch – (~ARP Odyssey with patch cords; patch field inspired by Aalto from Madrona Labs). Last update: 01/25/17

Osciet – (~Teisco 100F, 110F, SX-400) based primarily on the 110F with added 100F and SX-40 features. The graphical interface is not
made of iron, but in the style of vintage studio equipment.

Paddy-kb – uses completely original “engine” of sound generation by Martin Wikanek, based on Octavian Paul’s Nazca idea.
The synthesizer architecture is built around this engine, based on the Roland SH-101, but with a few additional features.
Includes multiple delay from Rex Basterfield and reverb, also from Vicanek. Also available is the Paddy 2 with a second
wave generator that can be tuned +/• 24 semitones from the first, each generator has a dedicated stereo
width adjustment, and envelopes extended to AHDSR. Added 5/20. Paddy-kb updated 6/20 to resizable 64-bit version
Paddy-vs – Same as above but with a second oscillator that holds all the factory waves from Prophet VS. Added 20.06.

Pad-Mx – As shown below, but each oscillator can be switched between padOsc used in the above tools, an oscillator containing
all Prophet VS factory waves, and can be mixed between any two of them. Added 20.06.

PB-Mx – (~ Oberheim OB-Mx). Approximately single OB-Mx voice card, but with full polyphony. Includes several features from
a prototype that was omitted from the final product. With a GUI that resembles vintage Pultec rack mount hardware.
Added 2/20.

Piggott – (~ARP Modular Synthesizer Lab) Based on the choice of modules in Don Muro’s system. It’s basically a fully
modular version of the Odyssey, but with two LFOs, two filters and two amps. Named after Tom Piggot, who led the
development of the MSL. Only a few presets, because the point of MSL was to teach and learn.
modular synthesis with a simple system. Added 20.04.

Polly – (~ Moog Polymoog). A very close approximation! v 1.01 6/18

PolyStep II – replaces the original PolyStep. Inspired by Quasimidi Polymorph but with simpler stepLFOs and simpler oscillators; no FX.
Added 18.05.

prOBthree – (~Sequential Pro 3 + OB-Mx). Combines three Pro3-like oscillators with a dual filter setup and
one of the three LFOs based on OB-Mx. Update 6/20 to 64-bit with scalable GUI.

PoolOddy – (~ ARP Odyssey). Imagine what the Odyssey might look like if it was made in the mid-60s by Pultec.
Additional features include: special LFO vibrato, additional waveforms, Sub Osc, AR env can be ADSR, four LP filters
types and full functions of Pitch Bend and Mod Wheel. Includes a “rack” with three effects – Quad Chorus and reverb.
from Martin Wikanek and multiple delays from Spogg. Added 2/20.
RevToo – (~ Sequential Prophet Rev2). Added 2/20.

Roland Block-1 – (~ Main Cabinet Roland System 700 “Block-1”). Dropout fix. A version is also available that replaces the
amplifier/follower/integrator module for the second double envelope generator. Updated January 19th.

Rolend Block-8 – (~Roland System 700 Block-8 “Lab” configuration). Available with drop-down patch cable or virtual patch cable!
Last update: 02/18/17

Roland Kronos – (~ Roland Gaia). Just three synths osc/filter/amp plus a couple of effects. Last update:

11/10/16 Roland JP-680 – (~Roland Jupiter-8 + Jupiter-6). Similar to Jupiter-8, adds a few features from Jupiter-6; sounds like neither; – }
Updated to 64-bit version with scalable GUI 6/20.

Rolend PG-238 – (partial mashup of Roland JX-3P, JX-8P and Alpha Juno). GUI based on programmer JX-3P,
PG-200. Adds a second LFO. Additional Osc waveforms with crossfading. Also available as PG-238 which
adds a crappy chorus and stepLFO. The name is based on the names of the programmers of these three synthesizers:
JX-3P: PG-200, Alpha Juno: PG-300 and JX-8P: PG-800. Update v1.01 added on May 18th.

Roland SH-3p – (~Roland SH-3). Adds 5 “ranks” of stereo detuning, more octave choices for each, and more waves.
choice for everyone.

Rolend SH-12 – (~Roland SH-1 / SH-2 mashup). Last update: January 19th. Also available as a stack of two synths.

Rolend SH-1200 – (~Roland SH-1000 without “presetting tablets”, but with aftertouch controls from SH-2000).

Rolend SH-57 – (~Roland SH-5/SH-7 mashup, in SH-5 livery). Last update:

02/21/17 Rolend SH-75 – (~Roland SH-7 / SH-5 mashup, in SH-7 livery). Last update:
01/22/17 Rolend System 101Max_suite – (~Roland System 100M, in imaginary racks with 7 modules; modules have some additional features)
101Max – Two 2VCOs, with additional signals and FM.
Two 2VCF, CS-80 style HP VCF in series with LP VCF.
Two 2VCAs with CS-80 style sine wave mixers.
Two 2ENV-LFOs, EG have an adjustable exposure curve, extendable time and start delay.
One ring noise S&H LFO
Last updated: January 19th.
101Max_m – Same as above, but with Mixer-Volt Proc instead of Ring-Noise S&H LFO. Updated January 19th.
101Max_s – ” ” ” Dual stepLFO ” ” “
101Max_sh – same _s, but with added Ring-Noise S&H LFO and only one 2VCO.
101Max_3v – with three VCO/VCF/VCA “voice” modules, three 2ENV-LFOs and a Mixer-Volt Proc.
Rolend System 101M_suite – (~Roland System 100M, modular; 5 modules in 191J racks).
101M – “standard” configuration:
• 2VCO
• 2VKF
• 2VCA
• Noise-Ring S/H LFO 101M_4eg – second 2ENV
-LFO instead of Noise-Ring S/H LFO
• Two 2ENV-LFOs
• Voltage mixer-processor
101M_E set – configuration described as “E Set” in Roland brochures:
• Three voices VCO-VCF-VCA
• Noise-Ring S/H LFO
101M_stick – “standard” module configuration, but with many advanced features and the addition of
Octave CatStick emulation. Ranked #50 in Amazona’s Top 50 Free Games of 2017.
Upgraded 5/18 to specially coded low distortion oscillators by Martin Vikanek.
Rolend System-500p – (~Roland System-500 modular). Dropdown fix. Last update:

01/25/17 simpleONE – (~Moog One) A very simplified approximation to Moog One. It’s a bit like the One, as Voyager OS
was compared to the original Voyager – basically a WYSIWYG control panel with very few additional features available through the menu.
Also only basic synth features – no layers, splits, arpeggios, sequencer or effects. v1.01 4/19.

Skematic4 – (~Yamaha DX11). Approximately meets most specifications and features. Added 2/20.

Skematic6 – (~Yamaha DX-line). Partial approximation of 6-operator FM in Yamaha style. Added 2/20.

SkematicGS – (~Yamaha GS1). Basically mimics the architecture of Yamaha’s first commercial FM instrument, which featured a single
fixed four mod/carrier pair algorithm with a few simple performance controls. Updated July 20 to 64-bit version.
with scalable GUI.

S-One – (~Cwejman S1 semi-modular). Pretty complete emulation of features and structure with a drop-down patch.
Added on 18.06.

Six-Stack – (~Sequential Six-Trak) Simulates only Six-Trak multi-level or stack mode (hence the name). No sequencer,
arpeggiator or splits. However, the six synth layers can be re-wired in their mixers in a way that the hardware cannot –
in addition to a stack of 6 single oscillator synths, this can be one 6 oscillator synth, three 2 oscillator synths, two 3 oscillator synths etc.
Added on 19.10.
Skylab OS – is a set of earlier “old school” style Buchla 200 modules in a Skylab configuration. Last update: May 18

Sovereign I – (~ MFB Dominion I)

spirit of the Spirit – (~Crumar Spirit). Last update: 18.05. Significantly improved, more complete Vicanek custom generators and filters.

SubStick – (~Moog Sub Phatty). A very simplified (no submenu functionality, hidden “pages”, etc.) approximation of the
Phatty framework, but with a more standard Moog dark bar GUI and combined with Octave CatStick emulation.
“Stick” provides two additional LFOs. Last update 18.05.

Sub 88 – (~ Moog Sub 37). Called Sub 88 because it is not limited to 37-key keyboards. Multimode filter. Basically a WYSIWYG
simplification of Sub 37 with more Phatty-like generators. No deep menu of hidden features.
Added on 19.01. Updated to 64-bit version with resizable GUI 12/22.

Super 35 – (~NI Super 8). Tut Tut – why? Because Super 8 can only be used in Kontact, it misses some obvious
features and looks like a Fisher Price toy. I gave my version a Pultec-style GUI. Added 2/20.

SV-Two – (~pair of “synth voices” Pittsburgh Modular SV-1). The second envelope is added to both “voice” modules.
Some features are not included, simplified, or not fully implemented. Added on 18.06.

Syntha-kon – (~ Steiner-Parker Syntakon). Last update: 01/03/17

Synthegrated 35A – (Moog 35A modular system). Dropout fix. The inputs have built-in attenuators, so there are far fewer patches
through attenuator/fader modules. A major upgrade from the previous Synthegrated 35B, with
gain structure, behavior control and relative signal levels close to hardware. Martin Wikanek custom
coded oscillators and retuned SVFs throughout. Restored and renamed 18.05.
Synthe-System – (~ Steiner-Parker Synthasystem ‘Basic Studio’). Dropdown fix; some features are not emulated. Also available
is Synthe-System_plus which adds a fourth VCO, a second VCF and replaces the voltage follower with a second one.
VCA/Mixer. Also available with Octave CAT Stick emulation.

Synthy P – (~EMS Synthi Professional). Osc 3 can be switched to step LFO. Last update: 12.02.16

SystemOne D – (~small modular Bukla). Just a rough hit on complex oscillators, but similar in concept. The panel has a hot link to the
Bukla Site. Last update: May 18

SystemOne E – (~ slightly more modular Buchla). Simple LFO step replacing Sequential Voltage Source, random voltage
sources are only approximate. Panel has a hot link to the Buchla website. Last updated: May 18

SystemOne G – A selection of Buchla 200-style modules with a focus on feature diversity.

T-forTwo – (~Sequential T8) graphical interface displays both full sets of synthesizer controls for two layers, and split ones. No sequencer. Added 19.10.

tableBlend – (~DSI Prophet 12, simplified – especially oscs). Last updated: 02.01.17

KAT/stick – (~ Octave’s CatStick in combination with a CAT synthesizer).
The CAT only had a KB CV input and pedal jacks for the filter and VCO1. Here the stick can drive one or both
VCO fr, VCO 1 PW, VCF and VCA. To play pedal jacks, the mod wheel can be assigned to either VCF or VCF.
or VCO 1 Fr.
theKwad – (~Vermont perFOURmer). Added 2/20.

The Dodeca_suite – (~ Buchla Dodecamodule + most controls from 221 Kinesthetic Input Port. Last updated on
05/06/17 Dodeca 258 – with two 258 style dual oscillators + dual voltage processor.
Dodeca 258c – with 4 channel comb filter.
Dodeca 258 – with 3-stage LFO
Dodeca III – with one Complex 281e style oscillator, one Dual 258 + Dual Volt Proc
style oscillator Dodeca IIIc – with 4-channel comb filter
DodecaPlex – with two Complex 281e + Dual Volt style oscillators Proc.
DodecaPlex c – with 4-channel comb filter
Last updated: May 18

Musical caress – (~ Boukla Musical Easel). Step LFO instead of sequencer. Generation of various signals. Last update: 18.04.

The Music Weasel_221 – same as above, but with 221 style keyboard. Last update –

05/06/17 Putnie_os – (~EMS VCS3 Putnie). Patch pins and all! No, the filter is not like the real one!
Includes DK keyboard features (additional oscillator, speed, etc.). Last update: 19.06.

the simpleShruth – (~Mutable Instruments Shruthi-1) . So called because oscillators are much simpler than shrutis – just
analog style signals; no scannable wavetables. Includes several features from Ambika, such as four
LFOs and a third envelope. Updated 18.12.
Throttle – (~ Accelerator by Radikal Techologies. Regular XY pad instead of Accelerator’s motion sensor accelerometer.
String filter based on Martin Vikanek’s Karplus-Strong modules. Added on 19.05.

twoBYthree – inspired by Ableton Operator hybrid synth, no additive synthesis, has three operator/ oscillator
in a fixed “algorithm” (e.g. DX7 Algorithm #5) rather than four which can be organized into multiple algorithms Also
each pair has its own filter/output section rather than everything going to one filter/amplifier Each oscillator pair can be
an analog type that is mixed together, synced or ring modulated, or can be a FM modulator/carrier pair

TwoSEM_stick – Oberheim SEM inspired, with two modules and my Octave CatStick simulation. Last update 18.05.

Tone Boardz – Same as 80-vox, but emulating a pair of software “Tone Boards” from the mighty GX-1 instead of the CS-80 VCO/VCF/VCA circuitry. v1.02 Last update: May 18th

tone 2620 – (~ARP 2600). Dropout fix, otherwise very complete feature/structure emulation. Major update: January 19th.

tone 2813 – (~ARP Odyssey). Added SubOsc and second LFO. Other improvements.
Ranked #44 in Amazona’s Top 50 Free vsts of 2017. Updated 5/18 with specially coded low CPU oscillators.
Martin Vikanek.

tone Explorer AT+ – (~ARP Explorer II). Includes several ARP Pro Soloist aftertouch controls.
Last update: 10/14/17.
tone Nineteen70 – (~2500 ARP). Functional approximations of a small set of 2500 modules; several different combinations of
modules. Also available is a left wing that mimics Pete Townshend’s ARP left wing cabinet.
2500 and OdyWing, whose modules are selected to provide general ARP functionality.
Odyssey. Added on 18.07. Added Nineteen70_m and left wing updated Jan 19th.

tone ProColorist – (~ARP Pro Soloist). Instead of preset sound tabs, most of the internal voice programming controls are brought to the screen.
to the front panel. Many thanks to bluesmoke for naming the parameters. Last update: May 18

TriloGee – (~ Krumar Trilogy). Inspired by the overall structure and design of the Trilogy panels, but the functions of the individual sections
are very different and more capable. 64-bit version with scalable GUI. Added 20.07.

Triple Paddy – three implementations of the PADsynth algorithm by Martin Wikanek from Nasca’s ZynAddSubFX synthesizer.
Octavian Pavel. They feed my FlowStone approximation of Mannequins’ Three Sisters Modular Filter.
The basic synth structure built around this is heavily borrowed from Adam Szabo’s “Viper” – software emulation.
Access Virus: Three LFOs, dedicated filter and amp envelopes, two modulation envelopes, and six
slot modulation banks. Also mimicked the Viper GUI a little bit (I hope Adam sees this as emulational flattery
and not a hack! Added on 08/20. 64-bit version with scalable GUI.

TwoPro – roughly corresponds to a pair of modern Oberheim REMs with external CV input connections and a few features and functions
Two Voice Pro features (no mini-sequencer) Added 05/18 Vector

  • (~Prophet VS) Contains actual waves from VS with a slightly simpler vector system, paths are recorded and played back
    back, but there is no special vector wrapper. Composite waveforms created with the joystick can be saved.
    and rebooted. 64-bit, resizable GUI. updated to version 1.02 20.07.
    Voyette SPT – (~ Octave Voyetra) Inspired by Voyetra Eight, but closer to the stereo pair of Voyetra One, but polyphonic.
    Added on 19.04.

VQ-800 – (~Roland JD-800). Not a Roland emulation, just inspired by its basic concept and structure: a “stack” of four
identical single oscillator synthesizers, each with a separate LFO pair and pitch, filter and amp envelopes. Rather than
a JD-800 waveset, it contains all Prophet VS waves and all Ensoniq SQ-80 waves/samples.
Added on 08/14/20. 64-bit resizable GUI.

Yumaha CS-15+- (~Yamaha CS-15). Unlike the two plugins below, this one sticks to a fairly simple emulation of the
KS-15 only feature. The only things borrowed from the CS-30 are the stereo outputs and “external” controls for both VCF and
VCA (the CS-30 had VCF and VCA input jacks on the rear panel). The Brilliance function can be switched from the panel slider.
modulation wheel, aftertouch, pedal, or breath controller. Added September 19th.
Mark Doty’s detailed demonstration of the unique features of the Yamaha CS-15
Yumaha CS-153 – (~Yamaha CS-15). Called “153” because it includes a number of features and functions of the CS-30L.
Personally, I consider the CS-15/30/30L one of the ugliest synths out there, so like the CopperOdy, I rethought it.
with brushed copper panel and Bakelite handles. Also available with GX-1 inspired oscillators
and a filter similar to the one used in the GX-1 and CS-80 – CS153g and CS-153k with dynamic crossfade waveforms.
and filters that go over LP > BP > HP > BR > LP, such as the ElectroComp EML 100. Updated January 19th.
Added 1/19 Octave CAT Stick emulation version.

Yumaha CS-30L+- (~Yamaha CS-30L) Also available CS-30+ (with simple step LFO found in sequencer in
CS-30) and CS-30L +2 (with auxiliary ‘LFO B’ instead of step LFO) CS -30L + upgraded 7/20 to 64-bit
with resizable GUI.

Yumaha CS75M g – (~Yamaha CS70M) Many features from the CS-80 and a wave generator have been added to the CS70M feature set.
filtered waveform controls from the GX-1 Tone Adjustment window. Added 19.10.
ZMZ 2000 – against the “updating” of the hardware synthesizer, which was actively advertised, but was never implemented, and, perhaps, there was only a
hoax – SMS 2000. Last update:

11/22/16 Zumchak – (~Moog Sonic Six). Named after the main designer of the synthesizer, it was a slight modification (MuSonics Sonic V),
Gene Zumchak. Last update: 01/03/17

ZoomChak pro – (same as above but with much more flexible mod routing, envelopes and filter. Last update: 01/03/17)

ZoomChak pro II – Triple oscillator version. Added on 04/18/2018

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