water sounds with WATER IN MOTION, a sound library designed to provide sound designers and game sound professionals with a rich set of water sounds. In this library, you’ll find tools for creating your own sound effects and stage design using water tomes right out of the box.
Focusing on sound quality and versatility, we have captured every detail of water sounds with the highest fidelity. The result is a collection of extremely pure sounding water recordings that allow you to shape the sonic character to suit your specific needs! Each sound was recorded using a central mono microphone (MKH 8050 or Sanken co-100k) and a matched stereo pair MKH 8040 from Sennheiser (note: only nature sounds and developed instruments do not have a mono file).
The library is divided into two main sections: RECORDS and DESIGN TOOLS. The RECORDING folder has all the water sounds you need, from simple bubbles to a roaring waterfall, rain, ocean waves, lots of everyday sounds, experimental water recordings, various movements, and tiny and huge splashes. The DESIGNED TOOLS section features a wide range of pre-designed water sounds, from large splashes, liquid whistles, magic spell elements and transforming sounds to underwater atmospheres and short textures.
Well-organized sound libraries improve your workflow and save you a lot of time. That’s why our sound effects are classified according to a universal category system and come with rich descriptive metadata.
UCS aims for consistent sound effects categorization, a uniform file naming structure, and easier maintenance of the sound effects library.
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