ChordPotion was created to be as effective as possible:
Connects to any of your favorite synthesizers.
Includes hundreds of professionals who are used by many professionals around the world.
He works in many styles and genres, including EDM, hip hop, rock, pop, lounge, synthwave and others.
Try new game tricks immediately. Discover different styles to turn your chords.
Play your chords live from your MIDI keyboard or use your DAW’s playback system.
You can export the generated notes as standard. MIDI files.
Use the built-in randomization mechanism to create endless variations of patterns.
Dozens of presets to get you started quickly.
Imagine that you have acquired all the gaming skills and years of training to improvise on any chord that you hear. Imagine that you know several genres inside out, you can freely switch between different styles of play and never get stuck with a writer.
Switch between 12 different pages to experiment with your creations.
Two different swing modes and the “triplet” function make everything more “human”, if necessary.
You simply add your chords to ChordPotion and use the intuitive interface to combine different styles of the game with each other. ChordPotion will generate new melodic phrases for you and play them on your favorite synthesizers. You can also export the generated notes as standard MIDI files and edit them later.
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