The second product of an ongoing and very fruitful collaboration with MagicDeathEye is the precise emulation of their stereo compressor and equalizer. From the hardware description: “A stereo compressor is two monocompressor circuits with some additional devices designed for mastering and bus compression. This new version has an added equalizer section. There are two (only for increasing) bands with two frequency samples each. An equalizer is built into the gain structure of a variable slope lamp.

This means that the processing does not occur before or after the compression section, it is inside it! The equalizer circuit is based on inductance and has wide curves in order to give the program material “a little something else”. There is also a low-frequency mode with two frequencies to enhance bass control. The gain of the bands can be 5 dB or 3 dB, divided between 5 steps. It sounds absolutely unbelievable!

Thus, in addition to the second channel, which, unlike its hardware prototype, has already been added to the “mono” MDE plugin, we have an equalizer section here, and the compression curve is actually very different from the mono version. If you ask about the difference in the purpose of these two parameters, the monocompressor will usually work on separate tracks, while the stereo compressor with its noticeably smoother compression curve and additional equalizer parameters will work on the main bus.

Of course, trying to stay as close to the hardware as possible in terms of sound, we again allowed ourselves to implement some additional advantages in the software plug-in: the high-frequency equalizer can be applied to the full stereo field, the middle or only the side signal. Conversely, for the low-frequency range, an additional elliptical filter on the side signal will be very useful for mastering. The amount of harmonic distortion can vary from 0 to 100 percent, where 50 percent correspond to the level of the hardware unit. Input and output amplification can be connected. Finally, the plugin has the ability to 2- or even 4x oversampling!

By Leauger

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