Finally! We’ve made another plugin! It’s called Endless Smile. This plugin creates all the tension you need in your music. With our first plugin, “Sausage Fattener”, we’ve created an easy way to get our signature fat sound. But it’s not just about the fall – you also need the rise. With “Endless Smile” it’s easier than ever to create music that lifts you into space with a smile that keeps getting wider and wider.
“fist in the air”
- Reverb / high pass filter up to ~200 Hz.
- “helium jump”
- Reverb / high pass filter up to ~200 Hz / delay.
“no limit”
- Reverb / full high pass filter.
- “melting joy on the face”
- Reverb / full high pass filter / delay.
“punch you in the face”
- Reverb / Full High Pass Filter / Noise Modulation / Continuous Swell.
- “broken teeth”
- Reverb / Full High Pass Filter / Noise Modulation / Continuous Riser / Delay.
“dada dynamite”
- Reverb / Full High Pass Filter / Noise Modulation / Continuous Riser / Delay.
- (Noise and riser are connected to the intensity control)
February 18, 2025 at 1:47 amshame you killed this site by not direct linking torrents