In the wake of the tragic murder of George Floyd, an innocent black man who was brutally killed in broad daylight by a group of Minneapolis police officers…
Protests have sparked across the world in the wake of this tragedy, to demand a change in a system of inequalities that have been terrorizing people of color for hundreds of years.
We wanted to try and help in any way possible, so we decided to release another charity sample pack to raise money and awareness for this cause.
Mutana Zublond
January 10, 2022 at 10:27 pmHe was , IS a Faker , and nobody was killed anywhere bu any police you stupid media whore , if you care about the so called ”black man” get the fuck out of Africa and take you black puppet presidents and there Black media whores with you ! And charity goes either straight in your pocket or straight in to the pockets of manipulating media giants, how small they might present themselves *YOU”
Mutana Zublond
January 10, 2022 at 10:43 pmAnd btw , I know the actor George Floyd personally myself, lived in the dame building for over 2 years , he’s from Angola and a faker now, and way back, he was a faker then , and he is one now, so stop your fake help for a ”black man” whilst taking billions upon billions every month out of Africa with you puppet presidents, and their media blacks, if you want to help the ”black man” start a charity for you whites to get out of Africa and take your house ni99ers with you , but you won’t do that, because you know that the ”Western economy” is based on criminals, cowards, who fall straight on their face, when they can’t steal from the people from Africa , and that includes South Africa as an example ! You want to help ?? Stop claiming half of History to be yours, whilst you weren’t even living in a house with a window, when we were living in City’s with avenues and no plagues that whipped out anybody ! Stop claiming the Pyramids , Stop Adoring the Greeks who copied letter by letter EVERYTHING from the Africans who taught them EVRYTHING they new , And the Ancient Greeks wrote that down themselves, but you racists can’t handle that , but you claim to want to help a \\Blackman// help yourself, that black fag George Floyd is still alive and now faking to want to help African county’s to join forces and help to kick out the whites , and all he does is , make the people in support for that (ME!) show their thru colors so they can be monitored and arrested or worse if necessary