Crane Song – Peacock 1.3.0 AAX x64

Virtual vinyl simulator.

The Peacock can be used on a stereo bus for a classic vinyl sound. On individual tracks, it is also very useful for creating big fat sounds, smoothing out harmonic content, and creating a nice smooth vintage sound for vocals and other instruments.

There are three main controls; Harmonic, dynamic and color. The Harmonic and Dynamic controls interact and adjust the level of harmonic distortion. The Color switch changes the nature / interaction of the controls and sets the maximum mid / low frequency and HF compression characteristic. The most difficult to use dynamic control, it modulates distortion components over time, which are highly frequency dependent due to the RIAA curve.

There are two main components that cause time modulation on a vinyl record. The first is that the angle and the reproduction stylus do not have the same shape, this is called tracking distortion, and the other is tracking distortion due to misalignment of the reproduction systems and the inability to accurately follow the groove in the recording.

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