Orchestral Dust is a two-voice romper designed to receive orchestral pads and sound. Orchestral Dust uses version 2.5 of our innovative granular engine AGRA and offers a new approach to generating sounds using granular synthesis and produces really different and unique sounds, but always in the “orchestra” area.
Orchestral Dust includes 12 different multisampled orchestral instruments – and each has a set of articulations and ensemble sizes.
Orchestral Dust gives you independent maximum playback control for each voice. You can choose the gain (volume), the position of the audio file and the pitch of each sound granule, and in each of them you can configure your own loops for modulating and developing the sound.
Orchestral Dust also includes many “classic” synthesis controls, such as attack, release and filtering, as well as a set of classic granular engine controls, such as the size (length) of the garnula, their density (speed), stereo distribution (width) . All these parameters complement the ability to create unique evolving live sounds for your orchestral accompaniment.
Along with these features, Orchestra Dust has a powerful set of effects for tracks. There is a rack of effects for sending (with 4 different slots). There are also 4 convolutional spaces for each voice, overhead, room, studio and hall. Our innovative and powerful tempo-synchronized gate system extends the conventional trans-gating (volume-based) approach by adding additional gate effects using things like various types of filters and distortion effects.
We also included our innovative “scene” controls – you set three “scene” or volume, pan, and pitch keys in each voice and use the mix control to jump between them. We even added our Drift engine for an elusive pitch drift.

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