Sounds of sea lions, seals, walruses and dolphins. Overlaying the war cries of shallow-water hunter animals, AQUATIC PREDATORS presents an unparalleled collection of animal sounds. From the barking of crouching seals, sea lions and walruses, to the whistling and buzzing of deadly dolphins, this library has everything you need to seashore or create the sounds of every terrifying creature imaginable.
“WATER PREDATORS” is a fully recorded library containing all the deep guttural moans, hoarse barks and whistles of these famous marine mammals.
With the exception of underwater recordings, every sound was recorded in stereo at 192kHz using a Sanken CO-100K ultra-wideband microphone, capturing every detail of these sea hunters. With this high sampling rate, recordings can be distorted, pitched and stretched while maintaining the acoustic beauty of the original sound.
AQUATIC PREDATORS is a carefully curated library of four avid sea hunters. These sounds, from a grunting sea lion to a whistling dolphin, are accompanied by real barks. Delivered at a 192kHz sample rate, there are endless ways to further manipulate these sounds to create interesting creature sound designs.
To record these high quality sounds, we used our favorite combo of the MS Sanken CO100k with a custom made Pink Noise Systems setup.
This library of BOOM creature sounds comes as WAV files, which means you can import them and work with them in any software that can handle files of this type.
To give you the fastest and easiest workflow possible, all files contain extensive metadata such as a file description and keywords to help you quickly find the sounds you need. The metadata can be read and processed by audio controls.
What we recorded
• We recorded 4 of the world’s most diverse sounding aquatic predators
• Seals – moaning, barking, squeaking and breathing
• Sea lions – breathing, barking, growling and panting
• Bottlenose dolphins – clicking, whistling and splashing water
• Walruses – Roaring and snorting
179 WAV files • 192kHz/24bit • 5.8GB
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Female_B00M_AP_100K.wav Stable and continuous clicks. Different pitch in each variation.
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Female_B00M_AP_ST.wav Stable and continuous clicks. Different pitch in each variation.
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Group_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and stable clicks. Added whistles in the last variation.
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Group_B00M_AP_Hydro.wav Long and stable clicks. Added whistles in the last variation.
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Group_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and stable clicks. Added whistles in the last variation.
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Male 32Years_B00M_AP_100K.wav Mix of clicks and whistles with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Male 32Years_B00M_AP_ST.wav Mix of clicks and whistles with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Male_B00M_AP_100K.wav Clicks and short bursts of whistles with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_DOLPHIN-Indo Pacific Bottlenose Male_B00M_AP_ST.wav Clicks and short bursts of whistles with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Baby Milk Call_B00M_AP_100K.wav Excited young sea lion calling. Short and squeaky.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Baby Milk Call_B00M_AP_ST.wav Excited young sea lion calling. Short and squeaky.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 13Years Sniff_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous sequence of breathing with guttural vocal expression in between.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 13Years Sniff_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and continuous sequence of breathing with guttural vocal expression in between.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 13Years_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous sequence of breathing with guttural vocal expression in between.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 13Years_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and continuous sequence of breathing with guttural vocal expression in between.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 16Years_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous sequence of breathing with guttural vocal expression in between.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 16Years_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and continuous sequence of breathing with guttural vocal expression in between.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 20Years_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous sequence of growling and chugging.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 20Years_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and continuous sequence of growling and chugging.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 21Years_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous sequence of growling and chugging.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 21Years_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and continuous sequence of growling and chugging.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 9Years_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous sequence of chugging with subtle breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Female 9Years_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and continuous sequence of chugging with subtle breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Junior Male Female Communicating_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous sequence of chugging with a lot of breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Junior Male Female Communicating_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and continuous sequence of chugging with a lot of breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEA LION-Male 11Years_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous sequence of guttural chugging. Very short and repeating.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Medium Punchy 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Throaty, fast, and short barking. First variation with breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Medium Punchy 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Throaty, fast, and short barking. First variation with breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Medium Raspy 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, fast, and hoarse barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Medium Raspy 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, fast, and hoarse barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Medium Warble 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, raspy, and shaky barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Medium Warble 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, raspy, and shaky barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Short Punchy 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short, fast, and throaty barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Short Punchy 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short, fast, and throaty barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Short Punchy 02_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short, fast, and throaty barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Short Punchy 02_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short, fast, and throaty barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Short Raspy 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, fast, and slightly shaky barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Hard Short Raspy 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, fast, and slightly shaky barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Medium Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, deep, throaty, and shaky barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Medium Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, deep, throaty, and shaky barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Medium_B00M_AP_100K.wav Multiple short, throaty, and shaky barks.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Medium_B00M_AP_ST.wav Multiple short, throaty, and shaky barks.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short Hard 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, fast, and deep barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short Hard 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, fast, and deep barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short Hard Double 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, fast, and deep barking. Two barks in a row.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short Hard Double 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, fast, and deep barking. Two barks in a row.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, fast, and raspy warble.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, fast, and raspy warble.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short Mid_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, fast, and deep barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short Mid_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, fast, and deep barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short and hoarse bursts of barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Short_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short and hoarse bursts of barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Soft Medium 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, deep, and slightly shaky barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Guttural Soft Medium 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, deep, and slightly shaky barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark High Hard Short Sequence 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Multiple very short barks with guttural elements.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark High Hard Short Sequence 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Multiple very short barks with guttural elements.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark High Tonal Soft Short 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short, deep, and grunt like barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark High Tonal Soft Short 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short, deep, and grunt like barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Low Hard Medium Breathy 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, deep, and hoarse barking with exhaling.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Low Hard Medium Breathy 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, deep, and hoarse barking with exhaling.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Low Hard Short Breathy 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, deep, and hoarse barking with exhaling.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Low Hard Short Breathy 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, deep, and hoarse barking with exhaling.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Low Soft Short Breathy 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short and raspy barking with breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Low Soft Short Breathy 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short and raspy barking with breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Low Soft Short Loose 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, deep, hoarse, and grunt like barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Low Soft Short Loose 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, deep, hoarse, and grunt like barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short and raspy barking with some subtle breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short and raspy barking with some subtle breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short High_B00M_AP_100K.wav Multiple fast, short, and raspy warbles.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short High_B00M_AP_ST.wav Multiple fast, short, and raspy warbles.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short Low_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short, fast, deep, and throaty barking with breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short Low_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short, fast, deep, and throaty barking with breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short Sequence 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short, raspy, and monotonous barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short Sequence 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short, raspy, and monotonous barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short Soft_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short and fast barking with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Short Soft_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short and fast barking with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Tonal Hard Short Punchy 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, fast, and throaty barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Bark Tonal Hard Short Punchy 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, fast, and throaty barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Choke Guttural Hard Long Wet 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and continuous chugs. Different intensity in each variation.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Choke Guttural Hard Long Wet 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and continuous chugs. Different intensity in each variation.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Choke Guttural Hard Short Wet 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short and raspy barking with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Choke Guttural Hard Short Wet 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short and raspy barking with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Choke Guttural Long Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Continuous, deep, and wet chugs.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Choke Guttural Long Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Continuous, deep, and wet chugs.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Choke Guttural Long Medium_B00M_AP_100K.wav Continuous, fast, and wet chugs.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Choke Guttural Long Medium_B00M_AP_ST.wav Continuous, fast, and wet chugs.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Hard Medium Distressed Distant 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Single long creak in pain in the distance.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Hard Medium Distressed Distant 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Single long creak in pain in the distance.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Hard Medium Distressed Distant 02_B00M_AP_100K.wav Single long creak in pain in the distance.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Hard Medium Distressed Distant 02_B00M_AP_ST.wav Single long creak in pain in the distance.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Hard Medium Forlorn Distant 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Single long and slightly raspy creak in pain.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Hard Medium Forlorn Distant 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Single long and slightly raspy creak in pain.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Juvenile Medium Plaintive 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Single long and shaky creak in pain.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Juvenile Medium Plaintive 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Single long and shaky creak in pain.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Juvenile Soft Medium Annoyed 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Single long cry with raspy element.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Juvenile Soft Medium Annoyed 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Single long cry with raspy element.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Medium Distressed 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Single long, sad, and raspy creak.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Medium Distressed 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Single long, sad, and raspy creak.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Short Distant Distressed_B00M_AP_100K.wav Single long and raspy creak with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Short Distant Distressed_B00M_AP_ST.wav Single long and raspy creak with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Short Distant Plaintive_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, soft, and sad groan.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Cry Short Distant Plaintive_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, soft, and sad groan.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Gargle Stutter Medium Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Fast, deep, and vibrating warble.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Gargle Stutter Medium Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Fast, deep, and vibrating warble.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Bark Hard Short 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Fast, deep, and throaty barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Bark Hard Short 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Fast, deep, and throaty barking.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Long 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and raspy barking with changing tone.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Long 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and raspy barking with changing tone.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Long Stutter 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Trembling, deep, and long barking with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Long Stutter 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Trembling, deep, and long barking with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Medium 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, raspy, and fluttering groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Medium 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, raspy, and fluttering groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Medium Stutter 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep. throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Medium Stutter 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep. throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Short 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, deep, throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Short 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, deep, throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Short Stutter 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Hard Short Stutter 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Long Stutter 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long, deep, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Long Stutter 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long, deep, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Medium 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, raspy, and slightly trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Medium 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, raspy, and slightly trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Medium Stutter 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, raspy, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Medium Stutter 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, raspy, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Medium Warble 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, raspy, and softly trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Medium Warble 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, raspy, and softly trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Short Stutter 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, deep, raspy, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Short Stutter 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, deep, raspy, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Short Stutter 02_B00M_AP_100K.wav Short, deep, raspy, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Guttural Soft Short Stutter 02_B00M_AP_ST.wav Short, deep, raspy, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Long Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long, throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Long Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long, throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Medium Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Medium Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, throaty, and trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Medium Soft_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep and throaty groaning. Different levels of trembling in each variation.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Medium Soft_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep and throaty groaning. Different levels of trembling in each variation.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Short Mid_B00M_AP_100K.wav Quick, deep, and raspy groaning with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Short Mid_B00M_AP_ST.wav Quick, deep, and raspy groaning with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Short Soft_B00M_AP_100K.wav Quick, deep, and raspy groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Short Soft_B00M_AP_ST.wav Quick, deep, and raspy groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Stutter Long Soft_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long, deep, and shaky groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Stutter Long Soft_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long, deep, and shaky groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Stutter Medium Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, raspy, and slightly shaky groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Stutter Medium Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, raspy, and slightly shaky groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Stutter Short Soft_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, throaty, and slightly trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Groan Stutter Short Soft_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, throaty, and slightly trembling groaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Growl Juvenile Soft Medium Agitated 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, annoyed, slightly trembling growling.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Growl Juvenile Soft Medium Agitated 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, annoyed, slightly trembling growling.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Growl Stutter Medium Hard_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, throaty, and shaky growling with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Growl Stutter Medium Hard_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, throaty, and shaky growling with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Growl Stutter Medium Soft_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep and throaty growling with breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Growl Stutter Medium Soft_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep and throaty growling with breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Growl Stutter Short Mid_B00M_AP_100K.wav Quick, deep, and throaty growling.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Growl Stutter Short Mid_B00M_AP_ST.wav Quick, deep, and throaty growling.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Grunt Low Soft Short 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Quick, deep, and gargle like grunting.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Grunt Low Soft Short 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Quick, deep, and gargle like grunting.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Grunt Short Mid_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short, raspy, and deep grunting.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Grunt Short Mid_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short, raspy, and deep grunting.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Grunt Short Soft_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very short, deep, and loud grunting.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Grunt Short Soft_B00M_AP_ST.wav Very short, deep, and loud grunting.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Long Low_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep and stretched out moaning with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Long Low_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep and stretched out moaning with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Low Hard Long 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and deep moaning with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Low Hard Long 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Long and deep moaning with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Low Hard Medium 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, raspy, and slightly shaky moaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Low Hard Medium 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, raspy, and slightly shaky moaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Low Soft Medium Sequence 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Quick bursts of deep and raspy moaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Low Soft Medium Sequence 01_B00M_AP_ST.wav Quick bursts of deep and raspy moaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Medium_B00M_AP_100K.wav Deep, raspy, and slightly trembling moaning.
ANMLAqua_SEAL-Moan Medium_B00M_AP_ST.wav Deep, raspy, and slightly trembling moaning.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Roar Long_B00M_AP_100K.wav Loud and continuous roaring. Added breathing in some variations.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Roar Medium_B00M_AP_100K.wav Loud and slightly throaty roaring with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Roar Short_B00M_AP_100K.wav Quick burst of throaty roaring with some breathing.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Snort Long_B00M_AP_100K.wav Loud burst of long and wavering snorting.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Snort Medium 01_B00M_AP_100K.wav Somewhat calm and stable burst of snorting.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Snort Medium 02_B00M_AP_100K.wav Somewhat calm and stable burst of snorting.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Snort Medium 03_B00M_AP_100K.wav Loud and stable burst of snorting.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Snort Pressed_B00M_AP_100K.wav Long and somewhat fluttering snorting.
ANMLAqua_WALRUS-Snort Short_B00M_AP_100K.wav Very quick and loud burst of snorting.
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