Expand your sonic universe and create unrivaled alien sound effects. Explore uncharted corners of the Universe and discover alien life! Feel the tension as viscous growls, screams, croaks, grunts and groans create the disturbing sounds of extraterrestrial biology. ALIEN LIFE features our signature high-quality sound and design.
It provides you the tools to develop unique vocalizations and bioacoustics for all sentient beings in your universe. Use these high-quality animal sounds and prop effects creatively to craft the sounds of extraterrestrial orifices and appendages. This collection offers organic and exotic sonic palettes, weaving a vivid tapestry of alien evolution into a single guttural bellow.
This sound collection contains a vast range of pristinely recorded animal vocalizations. It focuses on exotic signature sounds, typically more challenging to capture cleanly. Curated to provide the tools to design truly unique and convincing alien and creature vocalizations.
It includes a variety of fresh yet unmistakable snorts, growls, screeches, screams, chirps, and more. These sounds come in varying states of excitement and agitation, providing limitless potential. Discover strange new combinations and experiment with timing and tonality. Craft auditory cues that help define the anatomy and biology of your ETs.
Additionally, the collection includes a curated assortment of expressive prop effects. These effects cover clicking, slimy, squishy, scratchy, crunchy, and more. They round out the collection and offer more tools for boundless sound design potential. Invade your universe with ALIEN LIFE and manifest unique zoological vocalizations for all of the other-worldly creatures you can imagine!
The most unnerving sounds to us human lifeforms are often those we’ve been evolutionarily primed to be responsive to. Screams, shrieks, and wails poke at our primal brains with startling urgency. Growls and clicks can abruptly signal caution. We’re hard-wired to have a reflexive response to these stimuli. This can be used to your advantage to keep your listeners on edge. Craft custom vocalizations by layering elements of different species and effects. This helps audibly define each creature’s character and sonic signature. With these Construction Kit sounds, add authenticity and diversity to all of the alien species and extraterrestrial life-forms you can imagine.
ALIEN LIFE Construction Kit stands apart from other creature-related sound design kits, as it excludes humanoid sounds. Instead, it offers a vivid and eclectic palette featuring many unfamiliar and traditionally underrepresented biological articulations. Tweaking and layering the different exotic creature sounds, and shaping the tonality with the flavoring effects available in this bundle, allow you to sonically tailor unique organic vocalization libraries for all your alien creations. The ALIEN LIFE Construction Kit provides a futuristic toolbox of pristine organic source recordings, offering an unparalleled level of authenticity and fidelity rarely encountered in the sci-fi realm.
This library focuses on non-human animal vocalizations and articulations, curated from a wide range of exotic species known for their unique and curious sonic characteristics. These sounds are traditionally more difficult to capture and cleanly isolate due to the other environmental elements present in their natural habitats. Advances in audio recording techniques and processing have allowed us to present our cleanest collection of natural organic zoological sounds yet. They are polished and delivered in 192kHz for you to use like sonic silly putty and mold into the specific sounds you want your creatures to produce.
This BOOM Library of creature sounds comes as WAV files, meaning you can import and work with them in any software that can handle this file type.
To provide you with the fastest and easiest workflow possible, all files contain extensive metadata like file description & keywords to quickly find the sounds you’re looking for. Metadata can be read and processed by audio management tools.
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