Pro Tools is a professional audio software application that provides the user with the essential and extremely convenient tools for recording, editing and mixing sound and music.

Pro Tools is the most popular non-linear editing software for audio professionals in the entertainment industry. In every segment of filmmaking, broadcasting and video streaming, professionals around the world rely on Avid.

Whether you’re a newcomer to music production, an independent professional, or an experienced production professional who is used to working in a team, Pro Tools will help you unleash your creativity and achieve incredible sounding recordings.

Create at the Speed ​​of Inspiration – From enhanced MIDI editing and retrospective MIDI capture, to presets that let you capture your favorite instrument sounds and effects, Pro Tools is there to support you in every endeavor. Pro Tools delivers the best sound to your tracks, which is why the best musicians and sound professionals choose this program for their work.

Fast and efficient work – When project deadlines are approaching inevitably, Pro Tools offers powerful tools that will significantly save you time and streamline your workflow. Whether you’re creating music or writing a motion picture soundtrack (on your own or collaborating with colleagues both in the studio and through the cloud), Pro Tools will maximize your productivity by inspiring you and keeping you completely focused on the project.

Stay Ahead – Avid is committed to making Pro Tools the best creative software. That is why Avid continuously releases updates and additional features for all versions of Pro Tools with an active support plan (included in the Perpetual licenses) throughout the year. This ensures that users always have access to the latest software and expert technical support. Sophisticated sounding great mixes – Pro Tools has all the tools you need to create professional-grade music and sounds. With powerful recording capabilities, full MIDI support, part editing tools, studio-quality sound processors, and full mixing automation, Pro Tools is the fastest and most flexible writing software available.

Fast and Creative Mixing – Pro Tools lets you mix music or soundtracks quickly and easily with tools such as VCA Masters, Track Freeze, and professional waveforms. Users will even have the opportunity to see an alternate version of a song or soundtrack with Project Revisions. Remote control can be done from your iPad with the free Pro Tools | Control.

Get the best sound – Pro Tools is renowned for the sound the software brings to your songs, whether you’re creating music via an audio interface or directly from your computer. Users will benefit from a powerful tool such as QuickPunch recording, which will eliminate mistakes in recording without causing new inconsistencies.

Get More Creativity With Professional Plugins – Give your tracks a better look with over 60 included AAX plugins. With high quality equalizers, speakers and guitar amp emulators, you will have the power to enhance and fine tune your sound. Want more? Visit the Marketplace app to purchase additional plugins, or get the complete set with the Avid Complete Plug-in bundle.


  • Mainly for ProTools HD / Ultimate
    legit users.
  • You can use modified (tampered)
    AAX with this release.
  • Optional patches (pre decrypted DLL and
    AAX files) are included. They save
    you about 500 + MB RAM (maximum) and
    provide noticable performance
    improvement like other R2R iLok
  • It doesn’t affect the stability and
    reliability because it’s using
    your legit license for the main
  • (Bonus) Special optional files are
    included, which allows you to run
    with free ProTools First license.
    There are some limitation with this
    usage (No Video, No HEAT and more),
    but you run it on offline computer
    Just regard as a bonus!

A gong is waiting for something …

By Leauger

94 thoughts on “Avid – Pro Tools 2021.7.0 x64”
    1. Install Pro Tools 2021.7 when you done restart you PC, after your PC is back from restart copy two files from AAX Unlock paste the where Pro Tools is installed the dir folder, lastly copy the two files from With PT First License folder and paste them on Pro Tools directory folder wher PT is installed. If you have Protools first license activated on your ilok , Plugin and open iLok manager and Open Pro Tools , boom everything should be working fine

    2. i got that too on first launch after replace the cracked files. try to replace the files from the folder “with pro tools first license” again and then launch pro tools directly from the source pro tools folder and not from desktop or anywhere else

    3. How can I remove License Support from my system?

      PACE protected software will not run without these components installed.

      To remove this software, please follow these instructions:

      1. For Windows XP, go to Control Panel and double-click on “Add or Remove Programs”. Select PACE License Support Win32 (for 32-bit versions of Windows) or PACE License Support Win64 (on 64-bit Windows), and click Remove.

      2. For Windows Vista, 7, or 8, go to Control Panel and double-click on either “Uninstall a program” or “Programs and Features”. Select PACE License Support Win32 (for 32-bit versions of Windows) or PACE License Support Win64 (on 64-bit Windows), and click Uninstall.

  1. 1 install pro tools 2021.7.0
    2.Get a free license of pro tools first from the manufacturer’s website.
    3 start ilok license manager, login to your account, activate pro tools first license.
    4.close ilok license manger.
    5. from the distribution folder / avid protols v2021.7.0 RETAIL-R2R / LEGIT.AAX.UNLOCK. ONLY.INTERNAL-R2R / Whit pt firts license / protools, copy Protools.dll and protools.exe and replace it in C: / program files / avid / protools.
    and ready start the pro tools friends

    1. Osea, descargo el pro tools desde la tienda lo instalo se me intstalara todo y ilouk etc… cierro el ilouk y todo de session, luego pego Protools.dll y protools.exe reemplácelo en C: / program files / avid / protools. asi es… o me equivoco

    2. Only works with trial , Once you replace the Protools.dll and Protools.exe it wont work. Can we please get the updated version 2024 thats working or a portable version.

  2. 1 install pro tools 2021.7.0

    2.Get a free license of pro tools first from the manufacturer’s website.

    3 start ilok license manager, login to your account, activate pro tools first license.

    4.close ilok license manger.

    5. from the distribution folder / avid protols v2021.7.0 RETAIL-R2R / LEGIT.AAX.UNLOCK. ONLY.INTERNAL-R2R / Whit pt firts license / protools, copy Protools.dll and protools.exe and replace it in C: / program files / avid / protools.

    and ready start the pro tools friends

      1. make sure u have installed the AAX extension, sometimes ppl forget that pro tools just accept AAX. Make sure u install VST, VST2, VST3 & AAX.

  3. A mi me funciono, pero lo hice de otra manera, y tuve que tener 2 pro tools instalado ya que no me dejaba arrastrar un audio en el track

  4. I make it work just follow the instruction from victor. Thanks bro ill copy paste here your instruction

    1 install pro tools 2021.7.0

    2.Get a free license of pro tools first from the manufacturer’s website.

    3 start ilok license manager, login to your account, activate pro tools first license.

    4.close ilok license manger.

    5. from the distribution folder / avid protols v2021.7.0 RETAIL-R2R / LEGIT.AAX.UNLOCK. ONLY.INTERNAL-R2R / Whit pt firts license / protools, copy Protools.dll and protools.exe and replace it in C: / program files / avid / protools.

      1. At fist only Avid plugins work but try to read the redme text, replace AAXhost.dll at “LEGIT.AAX.UNLOCK.ONLY.INTERNAL-R2R\AAX Unlock\Pro Tools” put it into C: / program files / avid / protools then i tried Fab filter then it start to work

    1. he is under no obligation to specify. if I used the site often, I wouldn’t ask such a bullshit question. when you don’t have the mac warning, automatically it’s windows. if it goes to mac he warns you.

  5. good job. It Worked however, It requires internet access in order to pass the ilok step , Is there anyway this step can be used for offline step before trying to lunch pro tools ?

  6. You could replicate the expected servers with python simple server and emulate online security ceremony/handshakes etc.
    I think that all users should be advised that Avid, Ilok and whatever other development teams read these posts and counter methods used and spelled out to lamers who whine about components not working for their ‘free’ DAW. I didn’t think it would be necessary to state this to community, but there are users that feel entitled to Mac version and AAX plugins working without using their brain at all. I remember when AAX Plugins were considered “un-hackable” and people didn’t feel entitled to step by step instructions in the clear in their language.

    1. Now this is someone with a Brain……

      just emulate the Avid Website/Server functionality as well as the iLok Website/Server functionality using Python Simple Server and other apps if necessary…

      that way you Force it to work not matter what just in case you were installing it on Mars for example…

      Nothing wrong with that!! : )
      Have a nice Day…. : )

  7. thank you for the efforts involved but protools sucks donkey nuts and this install process does too.

  8. I have error.

    Missing PACE authorization for “Pro Tools”

    i did this:
    1 install pro tools 2021.7.0

    2.Get a free license of pro tools first from the manufacturer’s website.

    3 start ilok license manager, login to your account, activate pro tools first license.

    4.close ilok license manger.

    5. from the distribution folder / avid protols v2021.7.0 RETAIL-R2R / LEGIT.AAX.UNLOCK. ONLY.INTERNAL-R2R / Whit pt firts license / protools, copy Protools.dll and protools.exe and replace it in C: / program files / avid / protools.


  9. The same ProTools was working amazingly for me until now, after using it for a while when I updated my Windows, my ProTools has stopped working. It gets stuck on the loading screen; does anyone have a solution for it.

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