AOM – Total Bundle v1.14.1 VST, VST3, AAX x64

A set of effect plug-ins from the famous Japanese company AOM factory.

Cyclic Panner is a unique pan/width control tool based on axis transformation. Conventional panners use channel gain based panning, but often reduce the stereo width at the left/right ends of the pan.
By using the Cyclic Panner, the sound field of the material is preserved even if it is placed at the left or right edge of the sound field. The panning-related LPF function greatly simplifies the panning technique of “passing low frequencies in the opposite channel”. In addition, the visual display of the sound field helps. the user intuitively understands the current sound field.

  • Unique pan/width control tool.
  • Visual display of the sound field.
  • Pan-linked low-pass filter.
  • Very low CPU usage.

DeSibilizer is a de-esser plugin that reduces hissing sounds in vocals and speech.

  • Detects long hissing rather than strong hissing sounds.
  • Intuitive frequency band selection.
  • Control the behavior of the de-esser by two factors: detection sensitivity and detection threshold.
  • Fixed and adaptive sensitivity
  • Very low sound coloration
  • Keep deepening by keeping the start of hissing sounds by default.
  • Look-ahead feature to cut whole hissing sounds.
  • Boosting Compensation: Boost the band’s overall signal, sync up.

DeSibilizer LL

Invisible Limiter – Transparent Brick Wall Limiter with Auto Attack

Invisible Limiter G2 – The volume war is over, limiting volume only is no longer a problem, however how we should limit signals is still a problem. Limiters continue to play one of the most important roles in the mastering process and are becoming an increasingly aggressive part of the sound setup. The G2’s invisible limiter is focused to give the user precise control. Its basic algorithm is inherited from its predecessor Invisible Limiter, but there are many improvements such as shape reduction controls, soft knee, channel link, manual attack.

Nu Compressor – Nu Compressor is a multi-purpose track compression plug-in with 52 carefully crafted programs. These scores are different for each program.

  • Decrease curve shape
  • Envelope generation algorithm
  • Knee shape
  • Static/dynamic control of frequency response and saturation
  • Preferred range of attack time and release time
  • 52 programs with special cut modes and sound characters.
  • General compressor controls such as input gain, threshold, etc.
  • Switchable VU/QPPM reduction meter
  • Internal and external sidechain input – Sidechain
    input filtering
  • Side chain monitoring
  • Input side chain meter
  • Compact design; the right panel can be collapsed.

Sakura Dither – Nowadays, typical digital audio workstations use floating point internal precision. However, for distribution media such as CD or streaming, we still need to convert our masters to 16 or 24 bit integer formats. These transformations easily lead to audio degradation caused by requantization errors. Dithering is a technique for suppressing requantization errors while reducing bit depth by adding a cleverly crafted random signal.
Sakura Dither is a dither plugin. It runs on the last slot of the mastering effects chain, converting the floating point input signal to an 8/16/24 bit integer output signal. With well-tuned four types of dither symbols, you can add the finishing touch to your masters.

  • Output bit depth: 8bit / 16bit / 24bit
  • Four premium dither types tuned by a master audio engineer.
    Type 1: Natural/Clear
    Type 2: Open/Wide
    Type 3: Warm/Light De-Essor Feelings
    Type 4: Electronic/Enhanced
  • The Auto-Black process mutes the signal when the input signal is low enough.
  • Input and output bit depth meter.

Stereo Imager D – A.O.M. Stereo Imager D is a correlation-based stereo image processor.
Correlation processing
Conventional stereo plug-ins (usually using M/S decomposition) cannot preserve the stereo information of the original signal. These plug-ins sometimes emphasize the side effects of input signals, but such processing easily disrupts the tonal balance and stereo image of the input signals.
Unlike others, AOM Stereo Imager D uses correlation-based decomposition. This algorithm decomposes the input L/R into L’/C/R’. The correlated component of both channels is mapped to C, the decorrelated components are mapped to L’/R’. The L’ and R’ components have no correlation, which means true stereo.

Tau Compressor Plus is a simple track compression plugin with five thoughtfully designed modes.

  • Five modes with special cut modes and time settings.
  • Threshold, Makeup Gain, Ratio.
  • Volume reduction meter.
  • Wet Mix controls for parallel compression.

tranQuilizr is an equalizer plugin with transparent sound and intuitive operations. Traditional digital equalizers are tied to the traditional equalizer development method, such as bilinear conversion, and introduce equalization curve distortion and unwanted coloration in the sound. sound.
Users can adjust the trade-off between quality and CPU usage through the quality setting. tranQuilizr also offers flexible channel management; each strip can be independently inserted into LR/L/R/M/S channels. Automatic Gain Compensation (AGC) allows you to adjust gain based on changes in overall gain caused by EQ bands.

  • Unique transparent sound.
  • Six EQ bands and low/high filters.
  • All EQ bands and filters can be placed on a channel in Stereo (LR), Left, Right, Mid and Side modes.
  • Equalizer supports center frequency from 20 Hz to 30 kHz, gain from -24 to +24 dB and bandwidth from 0.05 to 10 octaves.
  • Three types of equalizer of different sound characters.
  • Filters support 1Hz-10kHz for low frequencies and 100Hz-30kHz for high frequencies.
  • On/off and solo switch for each group.
  • Automatic Gain Compensation (AGC).
  • Internal sampling rate up to 1536 kHz.
  • Phase invert switch.
  • M/S balance adjustment.
  • Monitoring channels can be selected from stereo (LR), left, right, middle and side.
  • Mouse-friendly paragraph operation.
  • Small plug-in delay (64 samples).
  • Output gain.

tranQuilizr G2 is an equalizer plug-in that uses fully customizable eight bands.

  • Eight bands configurable as peaking, shelving, bucksandall, cutting.
  • Channel setting for each band: stereo (LR), left, right, middle and side.
  • Band parameter covers center frequency from 1 Hz to 50 kHz, gain from -24 to +24 dB and bandwidth from 0.05 to 10 octaves.
  • Three types of equalizer of different sound characteristics: minimum-phase, maximum-phase, normal.
  • Automatic gain compensation.
  • M/S balance adjustment.
  • Interaction of Gain and Bandwidth: Standard, Gentle, Focus, Hybrid.
  • Completely rewritten oversampler. (our fourth generation engine)
  • Selectable monitoring channels: stereo (LR), left, right, middle and side.
  • Multichannel support.
  • Two spectrum analyzers: graphic and tape.
  • Customizable mouse modifier key.

Triple Fader is a simple amplification plugin. It has a triple adjustable fader gain range. This is a free plugin.

  • Adjustable range and automatic gain faders.
  • Switch button for each fader.
  • Sample picometer.
  • Level meter (RMS 0.3/0.6/1.0/3.0 s, VU, LUFS Short-Term, LUFS Momentary)
  • High accuracy calculation.

Wave Shredder – is a set of destructive processors: Rate Reducer, Zero-time Gate, Waveform Cut&Fold, Chopper and Bit Crusher.
The Rate Reducer is a zero order retention rate reducer.
Gate with zero time resets the input signal as soon as the signal level falls below the threshold value.
The Zero Time Breaker plays the flip side of Gate.
The Cut&Fold section is truncated at zero signal to zero, and in the multiplicity mode, the section puts the reverse truncated signal instead of truncation.
Bit Crusher reduces signal resolution.

Version 1.14.1 (04/07/2022)
Bug Fix
[DeSibilizer] An OUT component has been added to the ESS output when the monitor is set to ESS and the makeup is not set to 0 dB. This bug appeared in version 1.13.0. – fixed
[Sakura Dither] Bit depth selection sometimes not applied. This bug appeared in version 1.14.0. – fixed
[Triple Fader] Placeholder text was displayed on faders. This bug appeared in version 1.14.0. – fixed

Version 1.14.0 (March 31, 2022)
New Plugin
Triple Fader
[Invisible Limiter] Reduce CPU usage up to 40%, except for suppression mode.
[All plugins] User preset load operation now includes undo history.
[All plugins] Reduced GUI load time
[tranQuilizr, tranQuilizr G2] Improved GUI behavior consistency. The equalizer point is always activated when the user starts dragging.
[DeSibilizer] High resolution image.
[tranQuilizr] Support for multi-channel I/O measurement.
Bug Fix
[tranQuilizr G2] In WaveLab, some knobs were left unusable when the user used the plugin’s GUI before first playback. – Fixed.
[Invisible Limiter G2] Simple mode and counter settings are now shared between plugin instances.

Version 1.13.3 (January 27, 2022)
New Features and Improvements
[Invisible Limiter G2] Added Modern V Mode.
[tranQuilizr G2] Added Algorithm III.

Version 1.13.2 (01/07/2022)
Bug fixes
[macOS 10.12-10.13] The plug-in GUI is not displayed. – Fixed. This bug appeared in version 1.13.0.
[All plugins] The peak counter in the title bar flashes when the block size is very large. – Fixed.
[All plugins] Remove the “popup menus respect the system color” feature introduced in version 1.13.0 because there was no reliable way to get the menu system color among the supported versions of macOS.

Version 1.13.1 (December 23, 2021)
Bug fixes
[tranQuilizr G2, macOS] GUI not visible or plugin crashes. This bug appeared in version 1.13.0. – corrected.

Version 1.13.0 (December 22, 2021)
New plugin:
New features and improvements:
[All plugins] Integrated management of user/factory presets.
[All plugins] Popup menus now respect the system color.

Version 1.12.2 (November 28, 2021)
Bug fixes
[macOS, Invisible Limiter G2, VST3] In Cubase 11 and macOS Mojave, the plugin crashes after export if the Invisible Limiter G2 (VST3) plugin window is displayed. This bug appeared in plugins version 1.12.1. – corrected.

Version 1.12.1 (11/12/2021)
New features and improvements
[Tau Compressor Plus] The plugin can now be bypassed by clicking the volume indicator area.
[Tau Compressor Plus] Changed the action of the “Mode” parameter from dragging to clicking.
[tranQuilizr] Added a workaround to fix EQ points moving unexpectedly when the user drags them in Cubase 10.0.x or earlier.
[All plugins] While the user is running, plugins now ignore updating parameter values ​​from hosts. This change mitigates random parameter changes that appear on some hosts.

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