Ableton – Live 12 Suite v12.1 x64-DAW

Ableton Live lets you easily create, produce, and perform music in one intuitive interface.

Live syncs everything and works in real time, so you can play and change your musical ideas without interrupting your creative flow. But Live also has a revolutionary Session View: a unique notebook for improvising, playing and performing with musical ideas, without time limits.

Start and stop any number of audio or MIDI loops freely and independently – everything stays in sync. Almost everything in Live works in real time – add, reorder or remove devices, play with Live’s flexible track routing and more – all without interrupting your creative flow. Create bolder sounds with Live’s new devices.

Stay in the flow with a host of workflow improvements. Get even further away from your computer with Push. Build your sound with a curated library. And get the unlimited potential of Max for Live, seamlessly built in.

27 Comments on “Ableton – Live 12 Suite v12.1 x64-DAW”

  1. for those how to make ableton patcher work ? Simple.

    Just copy the given patcher.exe & put in the same folder where Live 12 is installed, which by default is :
    C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 12 Suite

    After above steps simply run patcher.exe. Ableton will be patched successfully & run ableton keygen after all steps just follow the instructions. Copy your hardware code, paste it in Keygen and you’re done.

    Drag & drop Auth file in the daw.


      1. salut,
        chez moi ca marche mais je trouve pas quel ID hardware faut mettre dans le keygen
        tu peux m’aider?

    1. Did everything including patching successful and and using keygen as well pushing authorization file to ableton.exe but still asks me to unlock it for some reason, idk if i’m doing something wrong.

  2. This is all the patcher says when i run it:

    Patching: Ableton Live 12 Suite.exe
    Byte sequence not found in file: .\Ableton Live 12 Suite.exe
    Patching unsuccessful.

  3. Can this only be installed to C: drive? It stops the installation when I put it on another SSD, saying “Folder already exists, stopping installation”, lmaoo.

  4. Hola. No me funciona el parche. Lo moví a la carpeta donde está instalado Ableton, y ahí se abrió diciendo que no fue exitosa la instalación del parche.

  5. Ха-ха-ха, некоторые люди здесь просто следуют правилам, как они были написаны… Это работает хорошо, просто не следуйте всему, что вы читаете.

  6. its work easy peasy in rutracker have 1.5 version and after that i patch with this, keygen delete automaticly i dont use it

  7. Found a fix for anyone blocked at the Keygen & Patcher steps :

    – Open Ableton, and disable updates then close Ableton
    – Go to where your Ableton was installed, and delete “.Live 12_updated”
    – Patch the files inside “Program” folder by drag & dropping the patcher inside and running it
    – Then open Ableton take Keygen and generate the licence file.
    – Enjoy

    I recommend doing it offline tho, as it’s always better for cracks to stay offline.. and then when your done with the installation you can stay connected to your WiFi or Ethernet.

    Hope this helps!

    1. I tried many ID codes but can’t find the good one for the Keygen

      Where is this f…. hardware ID?

  8. Problem with Keygen and Hardware ID
    Invalid hardware ID format, Please try again

    Wich ID should i put and how to find it

    If someone can help, thanks a lot

  9. Не следуйте за нами в настоящем, только между ними. В девять шесть двадцать четыре используйте одну и ту же последовательность снова и снова.

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