Ableton Live lets you easily create, produce and play music in one intuitive interface. Live syncs everything and works in real time, so you can play and change your musical ideas without interrupting your creative process.
But Live also features the revolutionary Session View: a unique notebook for improvising, playing and performing with musical ideas, without time limits.

Freely and independently start and stop any number of audio or MIDI loops – everything stays in sync. Almost everything in Live works in real time – add, reorder or remove devices, play with Live’s flexible track routing and more – all without interrupting the creative process. Create bolder sounds with new Live devices.

Stay in the flow with a host of workflow improvements. Get even further away from your computer with Push. Create your sound with the curated library. And get unlimited Max for Live potential built in seamlessly.

Almost three years after the release of the tenth version of the program, Ableton introduced a major update to Ableton Live 11. The developers added new features and devices to the program, as well as finalized existing functions. According to the creators, the update focuses on providing new opportunities for “recording, performing and experimenting.”

The first notable innovation was the updated Comping feature for combining audio. Now the DAW organizes multiple repeats of audio files and MIDI regions into separate takes, and users can mix different parts of different takes together to get the “perfect” part. In addition to this, Ableton Live has learned how to link two or more tracks together for their simultaneous processing.

Ableton Live 11 received full support for the MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) standard. The program has a new workspace Expression View, which allows you to work with different envelopes to achieve the desired level of expression. The built-in sampler, arpeggiator and wavetable editor are also fully supported by MPE.

As for new devices, ten new devices have been added to the program. Hybrid Reverb will allow you to create algorithmic and convulsive spatial effects. The Spectral Resonator will split the audio into several parts to further change them over time based on the frequency of the sound. In turn, Spectral Time can work with broken parts and create interesting delay effects based on them.

For lovers of creative and experimental processing, the creators of the update have added a collection of tools and effects Inspired By Nature. The devices in the collection are inspired by various natural and physical sound phenomena. In addition to this, the program received the PitchLoop89 tool, which combines glitches, delays and vibrato.

For stage and concert needs, Ableton Live 11 received the Live Tempo Following feature. According to the description of the developers, the program has learned to “listen” to incoming audio from other performers and instruments on stage and automatically adjust the tempo based on the received signal. In the event that someone starts playing faster or slower, Ableton will independently adjust the tempo so that the parts sound harmonious.

The new Macro Snapshots feature allows you to save copies of macros for later use. Up to 16 macros can be stored within a rack, and their launch and operation can be completely randomized.

The developers have expanded the automation system by introducing the Follow Actions tool. With it, users can specify exactly what actions will be taken after a certain event.
Another innovation is the Note Chance function, aimed at humanizing the performance. The function sets the probability of triggering and playing any sound within a project or part, thanks to which Ableton Live generates numerous variations of the same pattern. What’s more, Note Chance can be set to change the pattern over time.

Along with Note Chance, the program introduced the Velocity Chance function, which changes the speed of sound extraction in MIDI regions based on the specified settings. The simultaneous operation of Note Chance and Velocity Chance will allow you to create unique and non-repetitive patterns, as well as make it easier to bring MIDI parts to life.

Other updates to Ableton Live 11 include Voice Box tools for creating instruments and racks based on vocals, Mood Reel and Drone Lab for generating textures. The program will also come with the virtual piano Upright Piano, as well as string and wind quartets Brass Quartet and String Quartet. The last three instruments were created in collaboration with Spitfire Audio.

The developers note that the new version will bring improved tools and devices from previous versions, as well as an updated and expanded content library. A number of improvements also affected the editing of clips and the metering system for the load on the computer’s processor. Tips with scales, frets and scales have appeared in the MIDI editor, telling which notes will “fit” the current key of the project.

11.3.10 Release Notes
Live – New features and improvements

  • Users that have Cloud enabled but are not logged in will be greeted with a new landing view when selecting the Cloud label in the browser.
  • Updated the Core Library to make adjustments to Note Pitch Bend settings for some MIDI clip presets.
  • Users can now control Drift using Max for Live.
  • Added default values to Drift’s Stereo and Unison modes.
  • Users will now be redirected to the online manual on when clicking on links to the manual in Help View lessons.
  • Added software texts for Pitch Bend Range and Note PB Range in the MIDI/MPE tab in Collision.
  • Added software texts for the Global/MPE radio buttons in Analog.
  • Updated various software texts for Drift and the Cloud label.
  • Updated some software text translations in French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish.
  • Updated the Max for Live Devices Help View lesson.
  • Fixed a typo in the A Tour of Live Help View lesson.
  • Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.5.5. For the changelog, visit:

Live – Bugfixes

  • Auto-Warp fixes:
  • • Fixed a bug that caused Live to hang when browsing factory packs and loading multisampled instruments.
  • • Improved the loading speed for Sets that contain samples which include .asd files, as well as for Packs that contain sampled instruments.
  • • Fixed an issue that caused noise artifacts to be added to audio signals when using the Complex or Complex Pro warp modes on Apple silicon computers.
  • • When auto-warping samples that were created at a fixed tempo, Live will now often warp these files using a single warp marker with a constant tempo.
  • • Improved the tempo choice of the “Warp From Here (Straight)” context menu option.
  • • Recording samples will no longer result in UI lag.
  • When the Auto-Warp Long Samples option in Live’s Record/Warp/Launch Preferences is switched off, opening existing Live Sets will no longer cause UI freezes due to auto-warp analysis. However, there a few scenarios that could still result in a UI freeze or lag:
  • • If the preference “Auto-Warp Long Samples” is switched on in the Record/Warp/Launch Preferences, long samples will be analyzed when they are imported into Live.
  • • If “Auto-Warp Long Samples” preference is switched off and a sample is imported or recorded directly in Live, the sample will be analyzed when using the context menu options “Warp From Here” or “Warp From Here Straight.” Similarly, if an unwarped sample is warped using a context menu option, it will be analyzed.
  • Updated the End User License Agreement in Live’s installer.
  • When selecting one or more notes in the MIDI Note Editor and entering a velocity value with the keyboard, the possible velocity range is now limited to 1-127 rather than 0-127.
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused a MIDI note’s velocity value shown in the MIDI Note Editor to be different from the velocity value shown in the Status Bar.
  • The screen no longer flashes pink when starting Live in full screen on macOS ARM-based machines.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Wavetable’s expanded view from filling the entire width of the Live window.
  • Fixed a bug that caused grooves to replace existing grooves in the Groove Pool instead of being copied when dragging and dropping grooves from Live’s browser or clips while holding the copy modifier CTRL (Win) / ALT (Mac).
  • In Drift, using a Sample & Hold LFO Waveform in combination with the Retrigger option now correctly changes the initial value of the shape with each triggered note.
  • Fixed an issue in Drift’s filter that sometimes caused notes to sound as if attack was applied to them.
  • When using Drift with a sustain pedal, releasing the pedal no longer stops notes that are still held on a MIDI keyboard or Push.
  • Fixed a bug in the Analog device that caused negative values of the Pitch Env Initial parameter to behave as positive values.
  • Note-off velocity is now correctly passed through in MPE Control.
  • On macOS, Live no longer crashes when the Output Device in Audio Preferences is set to “Use System Device” and the Input Device is set to a device which is incompatible with the Output Device.
  • On macOS, Live no longer crashes when disconnecting certain audio interfaces while the Input Config dialog is open.
  • Fixed a potential crash that could occur when audio devices or their properties were changed in Live’s Audio Preferences.
  • Max for Live devices that have only an external output routing no longer cause unwanted delay compensation.
  • Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when loading the Samplex3 VST3 plug-in. As a result of this fix, the Device View now displays the Show/Hide Plug-In Window wrench icon for VST3 plug-ins.
  • Fixed an issue that caused plug-ins with 17 output busses to crash Live in some circumstances.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when changing a parameter or recording automation while adding or editing an automation value.
  • On macOS, fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when opening drop-down menus containing very long entries.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Live to hang at the end of a Pack installation.
  • Fixed an issue on Apple silicon computers that caused CPU overload and dropouts when using multiple Simpler devices on a drum pad within a Drum Rack.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Min/Max values for mapped Macro parameters in AUv2 plug-ins to be lost when loading a preset or a Live Set.

Push 3 – New features and improvements

  • Updated the Push 3 software package to version 1.3.0 (includes XMOS 1.0.71 firmware).
  • User Mode is now available when using Push in Control Mode. All of Push’s built-in functionality can be deactivated via User Mode. This allows Push to be reprogrammed to control alternate functions in Live or other software. Press the User button to enter User Mode.
  • Items in the Projects folder are now arranged according to the selected sorting criteria.
  • Made the following changes to Browse Mode:
  • • Packs are now shown with the Packs folder.
  • • The Favorites button is now no longer shown when navigating away from a folder.
  • • Browse Mode can now be closed correctly if the User Mode was toggled when viewing the browser.
  • Improved discoverability of available Pushes in Live’s browser.
  • Improved the design of various icons in Browse Mode.
  • It is now possible to set global launch quantization by holding the Metronome button and turning the fifth encoder from the left.

Push 3 – Bugfixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the XMOS firmware from being updated correctly for some units.
  • Fixed an issue that caused lost or jumping notes when pressing a column of pads with considerable force.
  • Fixed a bug that caused ADAT clock synchronization to be intermittently lost when changing sample rates.
  • When using Hot-Swap Mode to swap an empty pad after swapping a non-empty pad, the browser will now open the location of the non-empty pad. This behavior matches hot-swapping on Push 2.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error message stating Live had crashed to appear when first turning on a new Push unit. This fix also prevents the same message from appearing when turning on Push in Standalone Mode after shutting it down.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Live to hang when attempting to recover the Live Intro demo Set after loading the Set crashed Live.
  • Fixed an issue that made it seem as if Push was in recovery mode after a software update. Rebooting after a software update will now correctly trigger shutdown and startup animations.
  • Max for Live devices which use grab_midi and receive_midi now work correctly when Push is in Control Mode.
  • When changing octaves while a clip is playing in Note Mode, the pad feedback will now be updated immediately.
  • The connect screen is now displayed on Push when Live is closed and Push is in Control Mode.
  • Improved reliability of pads when using low pressure values.
  • Double triggers on certain drum hits are now suppressed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the touch strip to get stuck.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some firmware update failures.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the velocity curve to jump after connecting Push to Live.
  • Fixed an issue that caused double-finger hits of non-drum MPE pads to be lost.
  • Fixed an issue where the external ADAT clock source was not working on macOS.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a Set with the Master track selected and then pressing the Master Track button.
  • When the amount of Gain on a sample in Simpler is turned down to the minimum, the value will now be correctly displayed as -inf.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from changing the length of notes in clips when using pads in the step sequencers.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented audio clips from being immediately available for conversion after being recorded.
  • Fixed a bug that caused display visualizations to overlap when holding a step in a step sequencer for automation recording while the Setup menu was open.
  • The input meter will now indicate clipping in cases where too much digital gain is applied.
  • A value of -0.0 no longer appears when fine-tuning Wavetable’s parameters.
  • When attempting to load a Max for Live device that cannot be opened on Push, an error message will now be immediately displayed on the hardware.
  • Added icons for Group Tracks and tracks containing Drum Racks or Instrument Racks.
  • If a new Set is created as a part of a lesson on Push, the display no longer shows a notification about a new Set.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the sensitivity curve to change abruptly when adjusting settings in the Sensitivity tab of the Setup menu.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in parameters representing notes to display an integer value instead of the note name.
  • Increased the encoder sensitivity when adjusting the pitch bend range in Drift.
  • When playing repeated notes using the Repeat button in the 16-Velocities layout, changing pressure on the pads will no longer change the velocity of the notes.
  • Removed the option to choose a different volume option by holding the Select button and tapping the Volume encoder.
  • Adjusting pressure applied to the pads when playing repeated notes while using the Poly or Mono Aftertouch Expression Modes will now correctly affect the velocity of the notes.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Mute button from working when attempting to mute steps in a step sequencer.
  • Fixed an issue that could result in the shutdown confirmation message being displayed at the same time as the save confirmation message.
  • Improved responsiveness of the touch strip when changing octaves in Note Mode while playing back a Set with a high CPU load.
  • Fixed an issue where Packs available for download or update were not visible after using the Hot-Swap Mode.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the battery charge level to be displayed as “N/A” after charging to 99%.
  • Improved handling of data removal, so that installing and then uninstalling a Pack when using Push in Standalone Mode will now result in the same amount of free disk space as before installation.
  • Deleting the last item in a given folder will now result in the browser returning to the parent folder.
  • When dragging and dropping a clip onto the Push label in Live’s browser, the cursor now changes to indicate that the action cannot be performed.
  • Pressing the Preview upper display button in Push’s browser now affects the state of the Preview switch in Live’s browser and vice versa.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when stopping all playing clips with a return track selected.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the upper display buttons and editing options for MIDI clips to appear in white instead of matching the clip’s color.
  • It is now possible to adjust Drift’s Voice Count parameter on Push.
  • The available options for the Type B parameter in the EQ Eight device are now represented by icons.

Live 11 Release Notes History

  1. Install Ableton Live 11 Suite Installer.exe
  2. Place the file ABLETON PATCHER.exe_in the folder with the installed program. Default


C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 11 Suite\Program

run as administrator, press “PATCH” and wait until “PATCHING DONE” appears

Note:_If you changed the installation folder, then the patcher must be placed in it. (*\Ableton\Live 11 Suite\Program)

  1. Launch Ableton Live Suite and click “No internet on this computer” in the window that appears. From the window that appears, copy “Your hardware code”.

Note:_When you click on “Save”, you can get a text file with the code.

  1. Run the Ableton_KeyGen.exe file, paste the copied code,
  2. Drag the resulting file (Authorize.auz) to the “Authorizing your software offline” registration

window suite.

  1. Disable update: Options > Preferences > Licenses Maintenance > Get Automatic Updates > Never

By Leauger

2 thoughts on “Ableton – Live Suite 11.3.10 x64 [03.08.2023]”
  1. The same SHIT!!
    Aktivation and Programm working!
    Plugin Scanner ERROR!!
    A serious Programm error has ocurred
    Live will shut down after this Message!!!!
    Restart Live bla bla bla….
    Crash Report doesn’t work!!
    no solution in sight!!!!
    Another Folder with only 1 Plugin the same SHIT!!!
    Win 10 64 Bit!
    (((((Ableton.Live.11.Suite.v.11.0.12 doesn’t have the problem! ))))

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